Music - The Topic!

had to run for cover, yeah

maybe too obvious


here are my pics as someone who just got the ability to experience winter, i had very little to base things on beforehand

perhaps my favorite winter song ever, if not album

most of this album is winter-friendly (“call me” is a summer song to me for some reason)

anything actress is winter music to me


for a long time i thought my favorite misfits song was hybrid moments

the slight dip in his voice to minor key when he says “ooo baby when you cry” is exquisite, not to mention the beauty of the line itself “ooo baby when you cry, you face is momentary.” and how can i even begin to appreciate danzig’s coinage of the phrase “hybrid moments,” which i think we all understand but none of us can explain.

however, lately i’ve been getting similar feelings with skulls

something about the structure of this song and danzig’s vocals makes me want to call it the best bruce springsteen song ever recorded. i love the off the cuff yet urgent delivery he has during the chorus.

this also brings to mind other great misfits song, such as my favorite of their more traditional numbers, bullet:

this doesn’t quite have the x-factor of their best songs, but there’s something about the by-the-numbers music next to obvious shocking lyrics about assassination, sucking, and fucking that is greater than the sum of its parts

last caress, the first misfits song i ever heard when i was a wee lad, also has a special place in my heart:

even then, i think the magical misfits combo of doo-wop melodies and schlocky lyrics spoke to me

back then i was also too young to know the difference between “good misfits” and “bad misfits,” so i also became quite partial to helena from famous monsters:

i remember wondering why the guys voice sounded so different. the “fast riff” was probably the heaviest thing i’d heard in my life at that point.

and no list of misfits songs would be complete without mention of halloween, which would probably rank higher on my own personal list had i not heard it 1000 times by 1000 bands:

nearly perfect in theme and execution, made better by the restraint they show in deploying that earworm of a chorus

misfits–good band!


YMO’s Technodelic:

Duster’s 2019 S/T:

Wu-Tang Forever dude

edit – also: not an album but this Source Direct single is just icy