I saw this cursed factoid*, and it immediately made me wonder what characters/individuals have been uniquely rendered across the most platforms. I humbly ask my fellow forum members for guidance. Platform mascots (like Mario and Sonic) immediately come to mind, but I wonder if there are more trojan horses of the gaming pantheon we don’t think about.
I think in the spirit of the question, direct ports don’t count (disqualifying Doomguy, etc.). If you consider different versions of games on personal computer platforms (C64, ZX Spectrum, etc.), that logic gets a bit trickier, so we can debate that point as needed. I want to see platform-specific renders! I would say the main tally is unique platform appearances (PS1, 32X, etc.) and wouldn’t worry about multiple appearances on the same platform; I’m looking for longevity over time, not density! (That’s probably a tie-breaker statistic.)
*I haven’t verified this personally but it seemed true to my recollection.
Actors probably are more common than you would initially think. I think Bruce Willis could have a strangely high number due to the amount of Die Hard games and that PS1 game, Apocalypse.
was thinking maybe Michael Jordan, but then wondering if the real answer is someone with more USA-Japan crossover in addition to longevity as a public figure because then you can include all kinds of MSX and Towns Marty’s etc
Arnold Schwarzenegger might be a contender. Conan and Terminator alone have him on most consoles and western PCs of the 80s and 90s. Mr freeze for the 32 bit era. I think he was in a PS2 Terminator. And he made it to the PS4/5/current gen through Mortal Kombat
Off the top of my head there was then Super Star Wars for the generation after. You play as Luke in Rogue Squadron for the next generation, but, my memories of that game aren’t clear enough to remember whether or not he is actually ever given a model in that game, rather than just the various ships and a little character portrait, Star Fox 64 style.
And, well, that about exhausts my knowledge and caring about of Star Wars games.