Nintendo Direct Thread

considering it was so universally leaked its sorta hacked but also the original switch getting hacked so early means they must be more careful but also literally every single Nintendo console since the Wii has been really really easy to hack

Let’s face it the only thing that will keep me honest about not taking twiizers to a Switch 2 will be that they’ll re-release Mario 35 as Mario 40 and buy my loyalty for another 7 years.

Fzero99 and Tetris99 did all the work to keep me on the straight and narrow. Heck, I bet online Mario Kart did that for a lot of folks, too.

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Nintendo will no longer ban hacked systems, but instead warp hackers to GM jail in whatever that new online building game is.


You joke, but there was a temporary “detention” zone for players who failed an in-game quiz regarding online practices. Not sure how much I can say before getting in trouble. But they have the technology

Switch 2 will be released on…
  • February
  • March
  • April
  • May
  • June
  • July
  • August
  • September
  • October
  • November
  • December
  • 2026
0 voters
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Feel June at the very earliest. July is too deep into summer vacation for console launch to be viable. Nintendo never releases anything in August because it’s Japan’s vacation month. My gut says autumn, so let’s go with September.


I guess June but like, the last week of June. Companies love releasing stuff at the end of a quarter so the preorders count for one quarter and retail counts for the next.


Other: NEVER


This is the best outcome.


I’m all-in on June.

Announcing Switch 2 killed what little sales momentum Switch 1 still had after Christmas. They need to get back in the game ASAP. This time there is no 3DS to rely on.


everyone voting september please calm down i can’t wait that long


Hmm, starting to feel October…


Me, picking April: I like to know I’m wrong quickly.


Switch’s 2025 hardware sales are currently outpacing Switch’s 2024 in Japan.

Switch sales at the end of January 2024: 332.791
Switch sales at the end of January 2025: 348.460

It’s obviously not going to last (unless @穴 is correct a few posts above), but the announcement hasn’t impacted this trend so far and it’s too funny of a stat to let this nuh-uh chance pass me by.


I am not going to spend too much time analyzing the new strategy and release date and pricing of Fantasy Life i, because Level 5 might change its mind again within the next ten weeks, but the current release date (May 21) places it just ahead of Rune Factory: Guardian of Azuma (May 30) which seems to garner a lot of attention among its intended audience after the disappointing 5th episode. This PV from January has passed over 200k views in about a month.

Marvelous also celebrated Valentine’s Day this Friday by showcasing the game’s bachelors and bachelorettes.

A lot is riding on this game for Marvelous after two disappointing fiscal years so I don’t think they’ll let Level 5 grow too many turnips on their own turf without putting up a fight.

Speaking of an appropriate announcement for Valentine’s Day, Gundam Seed’s popularity in South East Asia and the recent success of the latest Gundam Seed movie have convinced Bandai Namco to release Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Battle Destiny Remastered on May 22 worldwide on Nintendo Switch and Steam. This version will adds a few mechs from the new movie.

It was originally a PS Vita game, and a sequel / spin-off to Artdink’s well liked Gundam Battle series on the PSP. Quite notable that this new version is not coming to any PlayStation console.

Compared with Steam Deck, Switch 2 handheld mode is…
  • Stronger
  • Weaker
  • About the same
0 voters
Compared with Steam Deck, Switch 2 docked mode is…
  • Stronger
  • Weaker
  • About the same
0 voters
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Pretty busy right now so I am still pondering skipping Xenoblade Chronicles X DEFINITIVE EDITION until the Summer holidays but I gotta say all the systemic changes we hear about in preview articles this week range from smart to downright amazing. The embarrassing main storyline is probably something that can’t be fixed, although the new epilogue might do a reverse DQ11 and save the ending somewhat. Here is a good 10min summary of all the new stuff.

Removing BLADE levels might be the most controversial change (would be cool to have an “oldschool” option allowing players to put it back) but it will definitely give newcomers a less frustrating experience, and repeat players / speedrunners more options on how to replay and optimize their subsequent runs.


Man that gave those new faces the Xenosaga 2 treatment. I kind of like how they originally looked in the Wii U version but we’ll see how it goes once this game is out.

Still keen on this!

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The question on power between the steamdeck and the switch 2 is hard to answer because of frame gen. I’m imagining games will run better but but not because it’s more powerful but more capable

Aw man you’re right, it’s going to have one of these AI frame-generation upscaling things enabled by default, isn’t it. And I’m going to turn it off because it looks like shit and all the games will be 360p at 15fps.