I like being called retro instead of old
(remembering the time my irl 18-year-old neighbor kept referring to Street Fighter VI (which he owned) a “PVP Game” and I had no idea what he was referring to.
When a zoomer refers to Japanese Game Developers of the 80’s and 90’s as “the Dev’s”, it feels really weird and disconnected, borderline disrespectful. Referring to Treasure programmer Hideyuki Suganami as just “the dev’s” is weird. Though maybe a bad example because ALIEN SOLDIER is the indie-est feeling game of its time and genre probably.
Fighting game ones that grind my gears:
Plugging- This is a new way to say “rage quitting” that I really can’t stand. I guess it’s cause the person is “pulling the plug” but it’s a name for a thing that already had a name that is way less obfuscated.
2XKO- This name sucks. Double Knockout is better. Project L is better. It’s a clunky, bad, silly name.
Fighting EX Layer- Just name it Fighting Layer EX, that way it abbreviates to FLEX instead of FEXL, which sounds like a medicinal herb and not a fighting game.
A general life one is the way that people use the word research. No, you didn’t do any research, you spent 90 minutes half reading articles before you got bored and just watched a youtube video.
How do we feel about “1-bit”?
It’s pretty dumb! But like a lot of dumb descriptors it’s succinct and I know what it means, so
who told you my iq-related nickname?
Sometimes my feelings are positive, and others they are negative.
it’s a binary, you might say
What would you consider the appropriate term? I am indeed a zoomer and generally use devs to mean developers at any scale, not just indie
Was wondering this too. I’m an indie dev and I call most devs devs (indie or otherwise) partly because I’m terrible with remembering names and partly because if it’s a team I both don’t want to list a dozen people and don’t want to name just one because it’s usually more than one person.
I generally don’t love ‘n-bit’, period, because I think it’s reductive and often inaccurately used. And no, I couldn’t think of a funny joke reply that hasn’t already been said
I’m not saying it’s incorrect, just saying it sounds weird to use new slang to refer to old programmers from back in the cigarette smokin beige pc days. Like calling Beethoven a shredder. Maybe someday we’ll have nomenclature for the classical video game creators. Just seems overly informal to me.
But also note that none of my posts here should be taken too seriously, see above where I made a post that just says “graphics”
シミュレーションゲーム (simulation game) being used for strategy games. It obscures the stuff I’m really digging for.
What are those tubes on the right? Are they used tape rolls? Paper towels? Toilet paper?
I… think it’s toilet paper. I thought maybe it’s facial tissue, but I dug in deeper. This photo is apparently from 11-bit studios in Poland, and upon searching if there was any reason to having a roll of tissue/toilet paper at your work desk there, I found this video, the chronic toilet paper shortages in Poland and toilet paper’s symbolic link to communism’s collapse, so I’ll assume toilet paper is culturally significant to poles.
My dad likes to refer to the reticle as the “rectal” when playing a shooting game, which drives me crazy.
TBH I don’t like grouping consoles as “generations”. To me that makes only sense when talking about a specific line of specific manufacturers, like maybe the Xbox One is the third generation Xbox or whatever, but bundling a bunch of unrelated hardware whose technical specifications, release dates and commercially viable time frames aren’t aligned at all as “3rd generation consoles” seems silly to me. Sure the whole -bit thing is useless too, but maybe to shove a bunch of consoles into arbitrary categories isn’t all that useful to begin with.
i strongly prefer videogame to video game