@“captain”#p52921 you‘re good I wouldn’t reveal anything that would spoil a first playthrough. Keep us updated on your progress!
Ladies and gentlemen…. we got one
Day 1, noon-ish
Saved Bad Grief's friend from dying, bought a bull* from a very kind gentleman, and gave bugs to children in exchange for fingernails.
*actually I think I bought a receipt for a bull which will be delivered to me at a future time
The lockpicking minigame in this is cool.
Everyone hates me.
Got a couple bottles.
Also got morphine from the kids, who displayed an acute interest in my broken scissors
the children of Town on Gorkhon love sharp objects it;s true
@“captain”#p53009 *actually I think I bought a receipt for a bull which will be delivered to me at a future time
Certified record of the receipt of acquisition on the Boddhochain
captain I‘m sure you’re already taking this approach but another piece of advice (only because 99% of videogames don't do this) try to read what people say closely and think about what their motives might be. The game supports and rewards this to a great and complete extent that almost all other games do not
Today is a snow day (!!!) and I will play Pathologic for more than one hour, guaranteedall day
just googled "pathologic ps4 resolution" and apparently the game is super bugged on ps4 with no likely fixes in the pipeline...should i even attempt
@“tapevulture”#p53051 From what I can tell it seems the glitches can be game-breaking, delete saves, etc. By all means FIND A WAY TO PLAY IT but PS4 doesn't seem worth it
@“tapevulture”#p53051 I watched some streamer footage and it looks playable, at least on the pro. Loading hitches seem frustrating and graphics are definitely downgraded. Looks to be missing some of the cool lighting and shadow stuff that adds a lot to the PC version. IDK, seems like a judgement call.
If you have a Mac maybe it's playable using bootcamp...
i do have a mac but it‘s one of the new chip ones so bootcamp isn’t an option. why didn‘t i just buy a windows PC with a graphics card. there’s something called “parallels” that's apparently the next-best thing…been thinking about checking it out because i still want to play banished (2014)
given how hyped this game is (lol) i really don't want to play an inferior version
yeah that's reasonable. Maybe see how the parallels route works on other games before taking the plunge
Day 2, 5:00am (I guess according to game logic still Day 1)
||Met my friend Lara, I hope I can help her. In the middle of the night a kid came to tell me Big Vlad wanted to see me.||
||Big Vlad let me sleep in his house, where I got some money out of his cabinet. I bought a clean scalpel across the street and drank some twyrine. The bar had some funky Twin Peaks/Silent Hill music going on (all the music in this is really very good and I would say unique).||
||I haven't seen any herbs for picking, am I just not looking???||
||I've got like 14 bottles of water. Always hungry.||
the applegamingwiki says it merely “runs” in Parellels so doesn't seem like a good option. but i do have a PS5 and it seems like performance is much better on it vs. PS4 because of the SSD. here is a quick demo someone made:
||Darn, I didn't realize twyrine map markers only last for the day!||
Playing this game while hungry, thirsty, and in need of a toilet is the intended experience
@“horse , dwarf”#p53093 ||I haven’t seen any herbs for picking, am I just not looking???||
Hints in ascending order of power/vague spoilitudiness. Uncover in sequence until you feel satisfied.
||There are... idiosyncracies... to where they grow.||
||You can use Something at Specific Places to grow some instantly.||
||...feeding certain spots of Earth blood. If I remember correctly, it's a certain kind of root formation...||
||But this is also not a great way to get them in the first place. As far as I can remember blood isn't used for much else so it takes up a spot in your inventory. They're out there growin' anyway.||
||They are not easy to pick out until you learn to pick them out of the regular grasses. It's very kind of true to life in that way, you have to train your eye to recognize them.||
||You can also train your _ear_ to recognize them. Play the game with headphones on, if you can...||
||There are specific places where they grow fairly dependably, and you can expect them to be there roughly once a day.||
||Part of it depends on knowing and thinking about that method above to force them to grow.||
||There is also one specific place that's _excellent_ for growing herbs, where you can quite dependably find a bunch very quickly.||
||Part of it also depends on thinking about who you are.||
||Why did Artmey come back to this miserable town...?||
||_Toonto nuutag..._||
@“Gaagaagiins”#p53119 >!You can also train your ear to recognize them. Play the game with headphones on, if you can…!<
I think this is the main one. You can hear the twyre when it's nearby. You'll find it growing most often on the parts of the map where you'd expect to find abundant wild plants
@"tapevulture"#p53094 Looks pretty good! The game doesn't run great on even medium spec PCs, so unless you're going to get a gaming PC, PS5 might be your best option anyway all things considered. There's just not a lot of info on the console versions unfortunately