PS3 Performance - games what run well in the cell

@“kyleprocrastinations”#p128708 I had no idea you could do this. I need to check my PS3. It's one of the fat models - but from memory only those first run of ps3s allowed you to actually play PS1 and PS2 discs.

@“MovingCastles”#p128717 yeah I think it‘s just the 80gb model that will actually play PS1/2 discs, but even then it’s hit and miss what will play. These days I just use mine for the PS1 games you can download that would otherwise be prohibitively expensive. Misadventures of Tron Bonne and the like.

All versions of the PS3 play PS1 games from the disc just fine. It‘s the PS2 that’s super spotty. A million times better to just play PS2 games on PS2.

Kings Field (US) runs faster on PS3 hardware than it does on ps1! Less slowdown and higher peaks! Quite exciting! Hehe

Metal Gear Solid 4!?!?! It certainly makes some of the most extensive use of the fact that you can install shit on the hdd out of any PS3 game. I actually forget how it runs but I remember thinking it was pretty impressive at the time.

Also slight off topic from the performance question but Beyond Two Souls is a riot to play through with a friend. That game does some different stuff and also is typical quantic dream nonsense. The prequel to A Way Out if you get what I’m smokin.

The real answer to the original prompt is in fact Wipeout HD + Fury. Zone mode and get too close to your tv.

Ed: Oh oh oh and Lair has that nice “our textures are a bit too high of resolution” feel. People can complain about motion controls but I enjoy it.

y'all might get me to plug my ps3 back in

speaking of, is there a source on for reals ps3 controllers that aren't busted or knockoffs, but also aren't stupidly expensive?

@“MovingCastles”#p128709 There's a discount every several months that has Valkyria Chronicles 1 (remastered) and 4.

Also, I want to play Rain one day (if I can pay for the game, LOL). My only real concern was that I should have been able to do that before and started buying games like Drakengard 3 or Nier, but…


@“tomjonjon”#p128682 I see Drakengard 3 was mentioned.

It’s an interesting game but it **_definitely_** doesn’t match your "runs well" requirement. I’d also recommend the original Demon’s Souls even though he does not run fine either.

This would be my Top 10 for the PS3 exclusives (not accounting for [Mainichi Issho]( which wasn’t a video game per say).

  • - Everybody’s Golf 5 / Minna no Golf 5
  • - Tokyo Jungle
  • - Boku no Natsuyasumi 3
  • - Wangan Midnight
  • - Yakuza: Dead Cells / Ryū ga Gotoku of the End
  • - MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
  • - Aquanaut's Holiday: Hidden Memories
  • - Ridge Racer 7
  • - PixelJunk Racers
  • - Katamari Forever / Katamari Damacy Tribute

    And these special cases:

  • - Demon’s Souls (there’s a remake on PS5)
  • - GTi Club+ (it’s a remake of an arcade game)
  • - Metal Gear Solid 4 (only if you really like MGS)

    Of the End being stuck on PS3 is a much bigger shame than Kenzan!, which is a pretty average early draft of what Isshin! would do much better a generation later (although there is a PS3 version of Isshin! as well).

    Speaking of games running well, Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD Ver. is the best way to play MHP3 solo in an official capacity nowadays.

    Is there a place to get digital only games? Some of my favorites were:

    Super Stardust HD
    Magic Balls (but I think they changed the name to Magic Orbs)
    After Burner Climax
    The Last Guy
    Everyday Shooter
    Sega Rally Online Arcade
    There was a pinball game with a Ninja Gaiden table that was a heck of a lot of fun to play.
    Calling all Cars - it's only fun when playing 4 players. I found it fascinating because it was created by the same guy responsible for God of War 1 and 2 (the PS2 ones).

    I bought so many games but then my PS3 died. Ugh, it makes me sick thinking about it.

    Disk games that were fun:
    Pinball Hall of Fame: The Williams Collection
    Lair. People tore this apart when it first came out, but there was a patch that made it playable. It's not the greatest, but I think it's worth checking out. Heavily promoted but was D.O.A.
    Haze. It's worth checking out the history of this game. This one was heavily promoted in video game magazines. It was supposed to be a Halo killer and failed miserably. I liked it, but I didn't play first person shooters, so I had nothing to compare it to. It's something to experience.
    The Resistance: Fall of Man series

    I don't know it it's possible to play (it's 100% online multiplayer and the servers are long gone), but Warhawk was ok. Now that I think of it, it's probably why I hate Fortnite.

    i know its been remastered at this point but i played the first 3 uncharteds on the ps3

    and i think they are all a pretty good time

    i had a little trouble with uncharted 3 because it can crash while going through that opening bar sequence

    its wild how much that uncharted 3 opening almost looks like a ps4 game! almost!

    at least to me

    i dont have a ps4 lol

    @“phylaxis”#p128745 I have a spare white one I don't really need!

    I need to softmod my PS3 this weekend and try out some of these suggestions.

    Its a shame that the PS3 was never maxed out to its full potential due to the unique architecture.

    In the realm of forgotten PS3 exclusives (JP only), I enjoyed Ukiyo no Shishi (a Way of the Samurai-like, more or less) which runs at a fairly standard 720p/30fps but has some neat style and nifty ukiyo-e shader for special attacks and photos.

    (Vita “remix” called Ukiyo no Roushi is not quite the same game btw)


    @“◉◉maru”#p128754 Of the End being stuck on PS3 is a much bigger shame than Kenzan!

    Agreed, and this one feels like a conceptually easy pickup since it's a wackier game in the series, even if not as critically acclaimed. So I wonder whether there are some practical reasons getting in the way.

    Insominiac’s games perform very well. Resistance 1-3 all maintain a mostly stable 30 FPS, and the Ratchet and Clank games run great too. A Crack in Time and Tools of Destruction target 60 FPS, while the other titles go for 30 FPS.

    Ahh, the Pee Ess Triple. Ain‘t talkin’ bout that Wii, so to speak, with respect to Mr. Chad Warden.

    Are we talking "Good PS3 Exclusives", or games that particularly perform well on the Triple?

    Because if we're looking at games that use the hardware to the fullest extent, no one was afforded more resources to squeeze every last drop out of that thing than Naughty Dog, or so is my understanding. Obviously Ridge Racer 7 is a huge one, a launch game running at native 1080p and a locked 60fps. It's a noticeable improvement over Ridge Racer 6 in a lot of ways, though it is still largely the same game with more content. It has different lighting techniques and color palettes, menus, music, all that fun stuff to help differentiate the aesthetic a little bit, but it's still that game at the core. Funnily enough, Ridge Racer 6 is backwards compatible on newer Xboxes now, so you can play that one in native 4K at 60fps nowadays. No idea what the state of Ridge 7 is in RCPS3 at the moment but I'd have to assume it's a solved problem by now right?

    Anyway, Visceral was always really good at making sure the PS3 port of multi-platform games was rock solid. Dead Space 1 and 2 as well as Dante's Inferno are all super stable on PS3. Some of Sega's simpler releases from the mid-00s are dependable as well, like Virtua Tennis 3, which runs at 1080p60 on both 360 and PS3, I believe.

    Alone In The Dark: Inferno (the 2008 reboot) is actually best on PS3 as well! That game's got some really cool ideas imo, and the fire propagation tech is super impressive. All the reasons it was panned at the time are reasons it's Cool, Now, imo. Same goes for Vin Diesel's The Wheelman, while my brain is in that space.

    Square-Enix's output was hit or miss depending on the title. Drakengard 3 is notoriously unstable, though it emulates very well now. But Final Fantasy XIII is a technical masterwork on the platform, and the cutscenes are beautifully uncompressed HD video files.

    That era of Ratchet & Clank games are super pretty, but they are all capped at 30fps, unfortunately. Not the end of the world imo, but that series is all 60 before and after the PS3 era so it stands out kind of oddly if you're familiar with the newer or older games.

    I still think Metal Gear Solid 4 is one of the best-looking games ever made, though performance is admittedly all over the place.

    Level 5 was doing some great art direction at the time, Ni No Kuni and Eternal Sonata are gorgeous on PS3 and run well.

    Killzone 2's visual direction and post-processing effects are staggering and impress to this day, but the built-in input latency makes the game feel so sluggish and heavy in a way that's unresponsive and disconnects the kinesthetic experience of shooting big ol guns at big ol dudes, so it's a bit of give and take.

    The only FromSoftware game that really performs well on PS3 is 3D Dot Game Heroes, though I still recommend checking out Armored Core: For Answer and Demon's Souls if you haven't already.

    Don't sleep on WipEout HD and HD Fury! Those games are gorgeous!! Though they're best played in the Omega Collection that released later on PS4, so . . .

    While we're back on the subject of racing, the track deformation in Sega Rally Revo and the Motorstorm series is incredibly cool to see in action, but Gran Turismo 5 and 6 and their various versions (HD Concept demo, etc.) are ridiculously impressive for their time.

    If you're down to CFW that bad boy and run some games that are no longer available for purchase, OutRun Online Arcade, Afterburner Climax, Sega Rally Online, and GTI Club are all fantastic. GTI Club is a bit goofy and wonky (intentionally so, it's nearly a Choro Q spiritual successor in how it handles), but the others are super fast and snappy. Afterburner Climax is a trip. I didn't know video games could move that fast when it came out lol. The render pipeline under the hood on that thing must be astoundingly efficient.

    Edit: Remember when they remade GoldenEye as a Call of Duty-like on the Wii? A year later it got a significant upgrade (you could almost call it a remake) on the 360 and PS3, and weirdly the PS3 is the dominant platform there.

    Fun fact: if you google "60fps ps3 games" you'll find an awful lot of forum posts of people listing games that run at 30 or indeed much lower in the effort to fight some kind of weird console war or whatever! Cool cool cool cool cool.

    If we‘re just talking about a “List of Cool PS3 Games I Think Are Worth Having in 2023”, let me just eject all of the contents of my brain here in a bulleted list and feel free to go check out whatever sounds cool to you! A lot of these have already been mentioned in this thread. I’m hoping to gather a list of games that actually still make sense to play on the Triple as opposed to stuff that's better experienced via 360 back compat or something, etc.

  • - Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
  • - Drakengard 3
  • - Dyad
  • - Malicious
  • - Katamari Forever
  • - Ridge Racer 7
  • - Gran Turismo 5 and 6
  • - White Knight Chronicles 2
  • - GoldenEye Reloaded
  • - Alone in the Dark Inferno
  • - Lumines Supernova
  • - Folklore
  • - Time Crisis 4 and Razing Storm
  • - Afterburner Climax
  • - Outrun Online Arcade
  • - Sega Rally Online Arcade
  • - Eternal Sonata
  • - The Puppeteer
  • - Africa
  • - Lost in the Rain
  • - Tokyo Jungle
  • - The Last Guy
  • - Super Rub-a-Dub
  • - Starhawk
  • - Aquanaut's Holiday 3
  • - Kung Fu Rider
  • - Wangan Midnight
  • - Yakuza Dead Souls
  • - Initial D: Extreme Stage
  • - Genji: Days of the Blade
  • - Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection
  • - Zone of the Enders HD
  • - Noby Noby Boy
  • - Virtua Tennis 3 & 4
  • - EX Troopers
  • - Final Fantasy XIII
  • - Shatter
  • - Super Stardust HD
  • - 3D Dot Game Heroes
  • - Demon's Souls
  • - Armored Core 4, For Answer, V, Verdict Day
  • - Motorstorm trilogy
  • - Boku No Natsuyasumi 3
  • - GTI Club+: Rally Côte d'Azur
  • - Echochrome
  • - Lair
  • - X-Men Oranges: Wolverine
  • - Bladestorm: The Hundred Years' War
  • - House of the Dead collection
  • - Resident Evil Umbrella/Darkside Chronicles
  • - Linger In Shadows tech demo
  • - Haze
  • - Tales of Xilia 1 & 2
  • - Siren: Blood Curse
  • - Another Century's Episode: R
  • - Under Defeat HD
  • - Daisenryaku Perfect HD
  • - Ico & Shadow of the Colossus HD
  • - LocoRoco Cocoreccho
  • - Pain
  • - From Dust
  • - Zill O'll Trinity
  • - Dead Space Ignition
  • - Fatal Inertia EX
  • - Mushroom Wars
  • - Thexder Neo
  • - Wizardry: Torawareshi Bourei no Machi
  • This is by no means complete, but most of The Good Stuff has (thankfully) seen better ports since then. I hope this is at all helpful!!


    @“andrewelmore”#p128839 Haze

    Worth mentioning if only to bring back this quote from Jonathan Davis about the song Korn made for this game


    unrelated but something I‘ve been wanting to bring up about MGS4 on this forum.

    Every time people talk smack about MGS4’s cut scenes and pacing, I personally feel there is a much better way to enjoy the game, kind of whether you‘ve beaten it or not.

    If you skip literally every cutscene, use the chapter skip or whatever it is, and just spend hours playing only the action stages, it does feel like a sort of “best of” sequel about the metal gear series. Each stage is kind of representative of a whole swath of game from previous installments, and it’s so dense with stuff to find. the game gives you the option to basically just delete all the cutscenes and enjoy the gameplay. I like to find all the hidden items and podcasts and stuff, while listening to said in-game podcasts.

    **But the only thing I've used my PS3 for in the past 5 years has been for the arcde-perfect port of Daytona USA, playing on my CRT**

    It warms my heart to see so many Katmari Forever fans when I thought Damacy‘s dominance in the poll and the change in art style / repeated levels might make some people dislike it, but I think it’s the best package and the most fun I had trying to get trophies of any game.

    I realized in this whole thread no one has said Journey yet!!! Play Journey and Flower!