Psychological Health Neurodiversity and Holistic Wellness Support/Sharing Circle

gonna take this as a lesson to write more straight-forward language when posting on this thread.

I was just joking, I figured she was talking about Trump haha


big vent post. I’m at a low point before my big road trip.

Much of my community irl and online have been unwell as of late for very obvious reasons. I’ve been staying above it as much as I can until lately, and today I hit a low point. I’m marking it here so that it can be a turning point. But yeah, past couple days I have not been okay, or strong.

The strength with come when I need to go to work tomorrow and next weekend, and when I start my big road trip a week from tomorrow. But i need to rally motivation to stow everything in my van and make progress towards that trip.

I’m just Over It, should have moved two months ago, and that’s not helping me cope with the usual stuff in town.

It’s not my seasonal depression (I love this weather) it’s everyone else’s “seasonal depression” that’s dragging me down and finally gotten to me. It feels like everyone is having a bad time, and again I’ve tried to stay above it for my own survival, but I hit a breaking point. Everyone seems so on edge, and overnight the block I park my van at went from 1 big camp in the parking lot full of dudes I know and trust and who don’t keep me up all night, to suddenly 1 dude every 10 feet, for a total of 8 different desperate dudes of various determinations bothering me and trashing my block, making it look a sort of way that makes me feel depressed when I open my door. Last night I had to give my last quarter bottle of emergency booze just to get a guy who camped up right beside my van to stop talking shit to me through the wall, calling me bitch and making shit up about me.

Before that, yesterday, I had two of the shittiest uber rides I’d taken in my life, on the way to my destination I got a dude who does the incessant gas/brake/gas/brake, lurching my stomach and making me sick through traffic for an hour, and on the way home I got a guy who was already having GPS problems and punching his dashboard, doesn’t speak any english, sped up when I opened the door to get out, made me feel like I was being held hostage, being really aggressive and throwing tantrums like a pestilent child, and I started filming while he was punching his dashboard, and he put his hands on me after that to try and take my phone. I had to shout to get him to stop and let me out, all the bums on the corner at my local CVS where I got out had my back which was cool cause they recognized me, but then the driver took a photo of me and reported me, I couldn’t send the video to Uber, just a photo, and now my account is under investigation.

stowing the stuff in the van is super tedious as I have to unbury stuff to reach it and hang upside on the side of my bed, and there’s so much dust I’m wearing a mask the entire time. I have very little motivation to do this. Once I actually get on the road there will be no stopping me, but right now getting the ball rolling is super hard.

I also just feel like I’ve been on the verge of getting sick for the past two weeks. Feels bad man. I’m not okay.


I ate a bit and make progress on packing/stowing, I’m ok