RPG enemies i couild defeat in battle

i am 5'8" 150 lbs

Warning Board // Final Fantasy VII

This can summon machine guns which would obviously instantly kill me, however I would simply destroy it before it did that. in this scenario i have like a 9 iron or a baseball bat by the way. Next

Holly Boy // Suikoden series

This is basically a 2.5 foot tall bush. Wouldn’t be a problem for me as I’ve done moderate to heavy yard work dozens of times

Ok that’s only two so far but I will update as more present themselves

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You’ve done lawn work, but can you chop down a tree?

i‘d just step on this lil’ guy

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I would punt this thing

@treefroggy i admit it would be a battle of attrition

@tapevulture Am I allowed to hit them with my car?

Well, are you a high enough level to have learned that skill?

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@yeso hm…maybe but could be a slippery slope. today you back your 2012 civic over a party of HollyBoys, tomorrow someone is training the sights of an M1A1 Abrams 120 mm L/44 M256A1 smoothbore gun on a single BonBon. i think if you have regular access to the car and it’s an important part of your daily life it should be allowed though


We all learned something rather important about driving over in the Show Me Anything thread…

This thread is pretty much the entire premise of Miitopia.

ok, then I’m going to hit a tonberry with a 2020 hyundai ioniq at 70 mph (max speed)

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I’m afraid I’m lacking on the physical strength department, so my forte lies on conversational encounters. I think I could handle this guy:

I think I could also get good at Monkey Island’s swordfighting given enough time to practice.

The cockroaches in the Canary Islands are notoriously big, so I think I have gotten good dealing with those suckers. This one is from Koudelka.