@[deleted] I challenge you to a duel. meet me in venice.
@chazumaru I’ve been playing this too. I think it’s amusing that the game seems to caricature the male opponents, but the female opponents don’t seem to be characterized.
So far I have not seen an enemy in this thread that I could beat. I’m not even confident about those guys in FF6 that die after they take one turn.
I could defeat the pope who’s final boss of all those RPGs. He’s just an old man.
i bet i could kill a slime
but could i kiss a slime?
what if he handed you a valuable item with his pickup ability
FOOL this zigzagoon has the TMs for thunderbolt, icy wind, and shadow ball
absurd that you said this a few days before he was hospitalized. obviously it would be an easier fight now with the status effects he has.
Zigzagoon and I could form an alliance
he leaves himself very open to uh incapacitation. not sure how visible it is in every game but it’s crystal clear in SMTV
I could def take a Dragon Quest slime, but I don’t wanna
Anyone who has lived in NYC has defeated enough rats to at least be on level 4 by now