Share your website!

I don‘t know if it’s the base-level recontextualization that 2020 & beyond has executed or if I just feel more comfy here (probably a bit of both), but I updated my website & remembered this thread exists – I'm not used to saying “hello, this is me in the real world” in most online communities, but I feel OK about it here, & I think maybe there is a certain amount of healthy recognition of personal identity in that. Anyway, this is me: , hello again

(in terms of the voice over stuff on there, feel free to drop a line if you're looking to hire a VA for your games. I feel like there's a good chance that you're good & your game is interesting if you're around here)

I have also very quietly been streaming on [Twitch ]( for a bit now & I try to do it in a consciously un-twitchy kind of way. Probably some games on there that you might be into, which I will play very poorly as we talk about David Lynch's new beard.

I, uhhh… I have a Letterboxd that I update regularly, and [a Tumblr] ( where I post art, my professional writing, random thoughts, and occasionally way-too-personal rants about having Psychological Issues.

Not my main website, which is a little broken, but a project I’ve mentioned elsewhere on these forums. 2-3 years ago I collected hundreds of clocks from games and kickstarted the first section of a 24 hour supercut meant to be played in sync with the actual time. Despite some good press and a GDC film festival screening, I failed to generate enough interest to make the remaining 22 hours happen.

These days I occasionally update the spreadsheet and renew the domain but I accept it’s unlikely to ever get finished. Recently I added it to Letterboxd (inspired by seeing one of Tim’s videos on there). You can also sign up for an extremely infrequent newsletter. Anyway, here’s the site:

If that sounds too weird or boring, there’s also these movie poster gifs I like to make when I have time. Would be cool to get over 1000 followers.

JUST IN CASE anyone needs the push, @Kimimi‘s site is the only website (aside from this one) that I actively go to looking for things to read. Nobody else is talking about the games I want to hear about (that is to say: games I’ve never heard of, games I have heard of but want to know more about, and games I own but have never put in the console in the last 20 years)

so yeah y'all should go check that out.

Also you should check out hours played because it's such a neat and specific thing to exist.

@exodus#28861 The Ultimate Challenge: Make a website Brandon will visit every day.

I have had various blogs on and off over the years but I started a Medium blog last year, coinciding my first (of, sadly only two) posts with the release of Final Fantasy 7 Remake. The second post is for anyone that likes seeing numbers get bigger and bigger but the title doesn't really fit with the rest of the post.

I wrote both of these in one sitting (albeit the backlog one I started from scratch more than once) without editing them so they're both pretty rough but I found them fun to write. You can tell that I'm not really sure who my audience is - perhaps I'd be better off going in the deep end in the future. I've had a very turbulent 12 months that will settle down soon so hopefully then I'll be posting more in due course.

If we are counting tumblr, I got a couple (too many).

game stuff

wrestling stuff

@exodus#28861 * sprays tea all over my laptop *

Wow, thank you!

co-signed, @Kimimi has a huge backlog of excellent writing that's ridiculously good and helpful


@hugesugarcrystal#27855 and this is the one that isn’t out yet (confrontational electronic music) but is probably better- it’s about car crashes

I just listened to this while getting through the rest of my working morning, and rather enjoyed it. Nice work!

@rejj#29113 that means a lot to me, thank you so much for saying so/for giving it a listen!

Wooooow, ya‘ll were not lying about @Kimimi’s site. That was posted before I was around here & hot damn everything here is up my alley. Thanks for doing this work, Kimimi, it's in my favorites bar now.

Yesterday in Target I glimpsed a tumbleweed in a New Pokémon Snap video which compelled me to make my first new posts to my video game tumbleweeds tumblr in almost a year.

Last month, I started a new website called Balckwell Rising! where I post short fictions and miscellaneous essays. My most recent post is tangentially related to video games: The Lint Filter Sounds Like Donkey Kong, And So Does the Kitchen Sink Mat – Also, Fake Tom is Donkey Kong so I'm posting it here. I try to post weekly on Thursdays, except for weeks like last week when my appendix exploded.

I‘ve been meaning to make a website for years, if only to catalog and organize the episodes of the podcast I do with my friends

which has a different topic every week and we’re always taking listener or guest suggestions for shows. I‘m very proud of our episode on trying Different kinds of hot dog, or making props, or going geocaching, so please take a look and check it out if there’s a topic you care about. A fan actually suggested we play Super Bonk on the SNES, so that's coming up in about two weeks.

I want more people to listen for selfish reasons of course, but what I would really love is if enough people were suggesting new and strange things for us to try that we had a steady stream of them. So if there was anything in the world (album, game, activity, food) that you'd like a whole podcast about, PLEASE send it to

As a final note, I started reading Kimimi's writing because of this thread and it really was something else. I love that website.

@hugesugarcrystal#27855 Wow, I don't have anyone to play Pathfinder with anymore but I am downloading that expansion just to read about it! It seems really cool.

@Creekgrin#30679 i appreciate that so much! i'm excited to check out your podcast as well :slight_smile:

still trying to think of fun ideas for a website

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i have a little thing now where i'm documenting p/ece games, slowly but surely: