Show Me Anything Taito

@“treefroggy”#p120520 it's only Gackt, their 2nd singer! (Gackt is the name we kept saying during the episode - he stars in Bujingai and did a lot of his own motion capture)

Gackt is also a canon character from the Final Fantasy universe, just like Ariana Grande.

I keep hearing good stuff about **Puzzle Bobble EveryBubble!**, the new installment recently released on Switch that also features the Space Invaders mode.

Did anyone mention Taito Milestones 2? It'll be out on Switch on August 31, digital and physical, and the 10-game selection is bound to appeal to more people than that of the first collection:

  • - Dino Rex
  • - **Solitary Fighter**
  • - Metal Black
  • - Gun Frontier
  • - Liquid Kids
  • - The New Zealand Story
  • - Kikikaikai
  • - The Legend of Kage
  • - Ben Bero Beh
  • - **Darius II** (3-screen, a version not included on Darius Cozmic Collection)
  • ICYMI, Taito Milestones is almost literally just Arcade Archives releases slapped together (minus some of the additional challenge modes or whatever), and any of the games not currently available via ACA (marked in bold) will show up there sooner or later.


    @“◉◉maru”#p120570 I keep hearing good stuff about Puzzle Bobble EveryBubble!, the new installment recently released on Switch that also features the Space Invaders mode.

    Something not mentioned in that video: there's a free multiplayer demo that's going away at the end of the month, and I suspect the online playerbase will crater once it disappears, so now really is the best time to jump in. The specifics of the garbage in this one make the versus mode a real slugfest, it's pretty alright.

    I am a little saddened that so many of the players and reviewers of the new game seem to be completely oblivious to the existence of Touhou Spell Bubble, but I can't say I'm shocked.

    Touhou is ignored. All’s right with the World. :herb:

    I‘m ambivalent about Touhou but it’s a Taito-made game, the rhythm element is really fun and they went to the effort of patching in online years after it came out, which one might have thought would move the needle just a little bit…

    The Taito Twitter account has been sharing concept art for the first Lufia/Estpolis game to celebrate its 30th anniversary. I wouldn't know, but it sounds like this is the first time these documents have been shown publicly?

    It‘s really bizarre to me how little engagement this account gets. I dunno if it’s how they talk about their stuff or what, but it‘s a lot of good info and folks just aren’t biting.

    I sold my Estpolis 1/2 to someone on the forum! who was it again?

    @“treefroggy”#p121643 That actually was me!! lol

    Taito revealed the bonus game included with the Taito LD Collection SE: Time Gal Re:birth, a brand-new game set after the original starring a new heroine: Famitsu also interviewed a couple of Taito folk about the collection, with specific details given on the “Arcade Game Version” of Yamato, which they're distributing as an Amazon Prime Day bonus. (tl;dr: unlike the other two games, a ton of work had to be done just to get the game to the point where they could HD-ify it, so they figured they should make the raw version available somehow.)

    The Ninja Warriors Once Again, release four years ago on consoles, is finally coming to PC on July 25:


    @“gsk”#p123849 Taito revealed the bonus game included with the Taito LD Collection SE: Time Gal Re:birth, a brand-new game set after the original starring a new heroine

    Here is the PV:

    Yo! The next Arcade Archives release will be Runark a.k.a. Growl.

    SLG/ININ's reissuing Parasol Stars—no fancy remaster, no collection of ports or whatever, just the TG16/PCE ROM slapped into their usual emulator, as far as I can tell:

    They're also releasing Taito's 2005 arcade game Spica Adventure on consoles for the first time, with orders opening in November—this was a Type X/Nesica game so it's not something they can drop into an emulator, and the fact that it's coming to Xbox suggests Taito's not porting it themselves, so it's hard to gauge how vanilla the reissue may or may not be:

    The reveal for the next Egret II Mini expansion pack is scheduled for August 24; it'll include Night Striker and 9 other games: