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My brother sent me this and it made me cry laughing.

Good sidewalk chalk art in the neighborhood yesterday

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My wife ordered some custom stickers recently and they threw in a bottle of hot sauce. We call it ‘donkey blood’ and we put it on everything.

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@“safety_man”#p56117 what a strange bonus for ordering stickers.

@“pasquinelli”#p56118 Yea, not sure what the story is, but it's pretty good. Habanero, sweet without being too spicy, helps elevate the richness of the blood flavor.

I guess they figure it'll hangout in a company lunchroom for a little while.

I spent a lot of time at the beginning of the pandemic lying on the couch watching Lego videos like this…not sure what to make of that, but I guess I’m glad that means videos like this show up in my recommendations now from time to time.

@“kory”#p56142 science has gone to far…


@“safety_man”#p56117 We call it ‘donkey blood’

perhaps a hint about what fatty beverage one might use to relieve the capsaicin sting of such a sauce

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@“captain”#p56322 the only way to get him to speak french is to put a gun to his head or get him to tell a story wherein someone speaks french.

@“pasquinelli”#p56366 is there any indication the camera operator here was not holding a gun?…….

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