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> here is a collaboration no one saw coming

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### Wikipedia: List of games that Buddha would not play

  • 1.

    Games on boards with 8 or 10 rows. This is thought to refer to ashtapada and dasapada respectively, but later Sinhala commentaries refer to these boards also being used with games involving dice.[2]

  • 2.

    The same games played on imaginary boards. Akasam astapadam was an ashtapada variant played with no board, literally "astapadam played in the sky". A correspondent in the American Chess Bulletin identifies this as likely the earliest literary mention of a blindfold chess variant.[5]

  • 3.

    Games of marking diagrams on the floor such that the player can only walk on certain places. This is described in the Vinaya Pitaka as "having drawn a circle with various lines on the ground, there they play avoiding the line to be avoided". Rhys Davids suggests that it may refer to parihāra-patham, a form of hop-scotch.

  • 4.

    Games where players either remove pieces from a pile or add pieces to it, with the loser being the one who causes the heap to shake (similar to the modern game pick-up sticks).

  • 5.

    Games of throwing dice.

  • 6.

    "Dipping the hand with the fingers stretched out in lac, or red dye, or flour-water, and striking the wet hand on the ground or on a wall, calling out 'What shall it be?' and showing the form required—elephants, horses, &c."

  • 7.

    Ball games.

  • 8.

    Blowing through a pat-kulal, a toy pipe made of leaves.

  • 9.

    Ploughing with a toy plough.

  • 10.

    Playing with toy windmills made from palm leaves.

  • 11.

    Playing with toy measures made from palm leaves.

  • 12.

    Playing with toy carts.

  • 13.

    Playing with toy bows.

  • 14.

    Guessing at letters traced with the finger in the air or on a friend's back. (letters in the Brahmi script)

  • 15.

    Guessing a friend's thoughts.

  • 16.

    Imitating deformities.

  • Note that this is specifically **Gautama** Buddha, of India.

    @“treefroggy”#p64465 would he have played robotron though?

    When my wife was pregnant she would often say she looked like a buddha, to which I would usually reply “that’s because you’re a-buddha have a baby!”

    I said this so many times I almost didn’t have a wife.

    @“treefroggy”#p64465 this should be made into a dirtbag question for the podcast lol

    @“saddleblasters”#p64484 we'll see if lives up to the name when asked which games Chaitanya Mahaprabhu does not play.

    @“treefroggy”#p64465 Note to self: make a game database like Does the Dog Die, but Will This Impede Enlightenment.


    @“treefroggy”#p64465 Ploughing with a toy plough.

    this is just how you trick someone into plowing.

    @“Syzygy”#p64579 not one and not two

    Gautama Buddha confirmed to be a gamer