Show me anything

@“chazumaru”#p68435 counterpoint: would that target demo use ‘indubitably’?

@“穴”#p68466 i wonder what dr. mario looks like.



now complete your trip by asking one of the locals to say ‘curly wurly’

@"billy "#p68483 I wonder what will unfurly?

@"pasquinelli"#p68471 his picture is right there on the sign!!

@“connrrr”#p68485 hurly burly

This short (~16mins) is nine years old at this point, but I still really enjoy it and revisit every couple of years. I find it meditative and beautiful and wanted to share. The soundtrack was done by Dirty Beaches.

Secret Ingredient usage in Japanese curry info

@“rejj”#p68507 people putting coffee in their meals always makes so anxious as someone who‘s quit most forms of caffeine, but I’ma try this recipe minus that part.

@“connrrr”#p68512 I have been adding coffee and high % dark chocolate to my japanese curries for a while now. I hadn‘t considered soy sauce or miso paste however, and will certainly try either or both of those next time. I also hadn’t considered fully caramelising the onions to start with, and I'm quite interested to see how that turns out.

I usually only use 1 or 2 teaspoons of instant coffee for a whole batch (several litres) worth of curry, where as a drink a coffee cup is probably more around 200ml or so. The caffeine will be highly diluted so if it is the _effects_ of caffeine you are concerned about then it may not be an issue. If you are trying to remain 100% abstinent however, then of course it can be excluded. In the case where you omit coffee powder entirely, perhaps 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of cocoa powder to go along with the dark chocolate may help.

Another Secret Ingredient that works rather well in anything where you are aiming for an umami based profile is star anise. One star anise in with any sort of stewed or simmered sauce like this (you'll see I use one in my [goulash recipe]( can really add to that umami flavouring -- and does not add any anise style characteristics to worry about.


@“rejj”#p68520 I usually only use 1 or 2 teaspoons of instant coffee for a whole batch (several litres) worth of curry, where as a drink a coffee cup is probably more around 200ml or so.

I was over at a friend's house one time and mid-way through the meal they remembered that they'd added a few spoonfuls of coffee to their chili. Like with your curry, it was so diluted that it may as well have not been present at all, and I didn't feel any different. But it did remind me that I need to be vigilant—it's found in the dumbest places, like in my friends' chili and in some sunscreen I bought. Northward of [80%]( of all people here are on it every day, so why would they care? But the drug's ubiquity really creeps me out.

a spritely ursula le guin really giving one of her short stories a good read.

@“connrrr”#p68527 It doesn‘t eliminate all of the caffeine of course, but if you wanted to pursue all avenues of minimizing your caffeine intake, there’s always decaf instant coffee as well.

Tangent, but currently I am excited because I found decaf coffee in the whole bean format, which I want to use to make decaf espresso, with which to make tiramisu. While I will admit that it is in contempt of the meaning of the name of the dessert, I also like tiramisu more when the coffee flavor can hold its own, and dessert is much more of an after dinner practice for me. Sometimes I can be very sensitive to caffeine if I have any too late in the day, so this is quite an exciting development.

Also for any other tiramisu fans out there, [this recipem which claims to be "the best tiramisu you will ever make,"]( actually makes good on that clickbait-y if not downright braggadocios claim. I haven't eaten tiramisu in too many other places, but I can say with confidence nothing I've had comes close to the tiramisu I've made following this recipe.

Furthermore, I've actually had decent success in replacing the zabaglione component in this recipe with Bird's custard made as thick/concentrated as I could get it. I did so due to a mysteriously re-emergence of an allergy to uncooked/undercooked egg yolk which I hadn't experienced since early childhood. It wasn't quite the same, but it was close enough that I still enjoyed the result.

I'll get off my soap box after this

@"Gaagaagiins"#p68563 I've very comfortably kept coffee out of my life for seven years, and situations like I described aren't likely to drag me back into an addiction. They're just shocking to me. Quitting was eye-opening and I wish more people would consider quitting long-term. >80% of all adults is bananas.

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[size=99]**_these fuck_**

i found… something….

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[size=30]Is ||Gael|| The Final Boss?[/size]

There‘s no one definitive answer to this question – everyone has their own opinion. Some people believe ||Gael|| is the final boss, while others believe that he’s just a minor player in the story. There‘s no right or wrong answer, it’s just up to you!


[size=30]Was Gwyn A Pygmy?[/size]

Gwyn A Pygmy was an American Professional wrestler who worked in the early 1960s. He was born in a small town in Kentucky and began wrestling as a teenager. Pygmy made his professional wrestling debut in 1961 and worked in Japan before making his return to the United States in the early 1970s. He was a major figure in the early years of the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) and is considered one of the greatest wrestlers of all time.


[size=30]Is Popcorn The Same As Corn?[/size]

Popcorn is not the same as corn. Corn is a seed that is planted in the ground and harvested in the autumn. Popcorn is a popcorn machine that is made in the summer and used in the winter.


[size=30]What Does Bad Lamb Taste Like?[/size]

bad lamb tastes like something that would be served at a carnival after the games have been concluded. It is sour and greasy and is not very tasty.

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@“captain”#p68895 I’m learning so much

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I'm still on the fence about veins

@“connrrr”#p68900 but what will provide oil and sweat to your body in their absence??

@“kory”#p68905 ingesting greasy carnival lamb

I would catch this sometimes on my local PBS station when I was a kid. Can't help but impersonate him on clear nights

Old Jack knew what he was doing
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"Aw yeah got my issues of Star Hustler - wait this is about literal star gazing?"