The only thing better than sunsets in racing games is sunsets in shooting games.
You know, I am finding that the hardest is not to remember or retrieve good footage of these scenes but rather to confirm they don’t happen at sunrise. For instance, most of the endings I could remember actually seem to happen at sunrise/dawn. And we would not want to carelessly feature these dirty mornings into this very exclusive club, would we.
@"KennyL"#p50430 I keep wanting to get into sol monarge and I haven't yet. have you played through it? is it worth spending time with? I'll get in there eventually, but some positive words about it could kick it further up the queue.
@“exodus”#p50474 I‘d like to know if it’s worthwhile too! Those wild Pinocchio noses are so…. enticing… I only played the demo that‘s in Hyper Catalog 4 demo disc. Pretty interesting demo that jumps around different parts kind of like you’re playing segments of a trailer. It ends with that sunset scene.
@“NoJoTo”#p51603Wow! That change from blue to orange is insane. I bet you could export every frame of that transition and they'd all look great on their own. Color theory is wack