Show me some video game sunsets!

This song's opening line gave me the idea for this thread and I‘m quite surprised that it didn’t exist already.

Share some of your favorite sunsets in video games!

I like the one in Sonic R's Regal Ruins:
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dang, I was thinking of doing this! well, here’s some of what I got:

(from this wonderful article:

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(master system port)

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Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver have a couple sunsets in their area artwork - it goes without saying that all these cards are gorgeous anyways, but these sunset ones are especially so

I remembered one.

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2600 had some good sunsets

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LOVE this thread idea. N64 has my favorite video game sunsets, with Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon being the prime example.

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The only thing better than sunsets in games is sunsets in racing games.

gotta set fast

Gotta have some shooters in the list!

Metal Black has an excellent stage 1 sunset:

I know Darius Gaiden has some sunset stages, but I can't recall which are which at the moment!

Also, waiting for @exodus to appear with instances of great sunsets on the PC Engine!


@“Karasu”#p50311 Gotta have some shooters in the list!

In awe of the dramatic background color shifts during this stage in Lightening Force:

@“kory”#p50314 heck yeah! I was playing that game yesterday

I remembered another one.

Yeah, I‘m here for some PCE sunsets (DID we not do this thread? I feel like we might’ve!)

I love this one in P-47, though it's in all versions of the game. I find this one extra impressive because of how difficult it must've been to make:

Cross Wiber starts right out with one:

Shubibinman 3 saves the sunset vibes for the ending (there's a little bit in the middle)
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The Ys III sunset is cool because it's daytime when you start climbing this tower, and sunset by the time you get up there. I like that kind of stuff.

I'll be back with more later, I'm sure!

@“exodus”#p50320 i remember during one of the breaks (i think?) of an episode, you mentioned the p-47 sunset and a few others…

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always felt this sunset in star ocean 2 was a bit much