Show me things you made.

I really admire the control you have over line. I have never had good draftsperson skills and I’m always envious when I see somebody who has gone so far with it.

@Kiki I like your mascot too. In a good way it reminds me of cave story art.

Oh also my gf sent me what she has done with the butt birds. It’s classic her. We’re both treasure goblins.


Thank you! I used to want nothing more than to be a professional artist full time. Then I found out that artists make no money and are over worked/exploited. Now I obsessively work on my own projects in my free time. This is all to say that my lines are as steady as they are because I literally do it everyday.


Yeah and that is the rub. I would have to do it everyday. I have an instinct to go in the opposite direction of what I don’t have a knack for. My lines are chaotic and unruly and under constant change. It did ok for me but would never win me a popularity contest. I have never done a drawing that I wasn’t absolutely convinced was going completely off the rails and that I should just start over. This drawing is made of underglaze drawn onto porcelain. You can’t really erase it so starting over would mean destroying it. That’s what keeps me going forward.
Hidden is an image of partial, non-sexual female nudity



To be fair, neither am I. I’ve never exceeded 200 followers and currently sit at 25 on Bluesky. I’m a failed artist by most capitalist metrics.


Oh yeah, I just meant among other artists. I do not and have not posted my work in it’s entirety online. My objects traditionally have been defixionis of sorts. They do not make appearances in public or private. You would have had to buy them sight unseen under the auspices that you could not present it publicly and it had to be behind a curtain at your home. You could show people but the curtain could not be removed. I of course sought critique among my artist friends but only one said I should be doing this work. Oh and for clarity a dealer had one that was used as a sample which was not sold and is the one pictured. There was also a zine of sorts that they could look at that was a bizarre tract that was a false archeological (thank you Cervantes, thank you Borges) about how these works were excavated, what the archeologist thought they were meant for and who he thought might of made them. The rich and their money man. I swear. Also, I’m not implying that I made a living off art. Dealers take a bite and taxes take another. I never record my spending because I’m more than a little nuts and completely disorganized.

Having a new series promised has in the works has made me extremely wistful about giving up this direction and into more hokey territory. It has me thinking about my influences and the people who, with out pay, wanted to help me and clarify my ideas.


I just finished cobbling together a swag lamp and I found a purpose to the black lodge shade that I found ages ago. It’s ok. The shade is too small but themes the breaks

Also please forgive my wordiness. It has been dawning on me for the last month that I’m going to have to start writing and speaking simple-ish ideas in a way that makes them seem deeper and more resonant. You know, what we call talking about art. I’m practicing.


Thanks, I’ve never gotten that comparison before, but it’s definitely a compliment.

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I definitely did not mean it in a reductive way. It doesn’t look like cave story but it makes me feel cave story.


Looks great. I don’t use halftones in my comics, but dang are they ever great. We’re approaching the time in the semester where I break open some student’s craft by showing them how to shade with a half tone pattern, then just send them the template.


I got this for 4 bucks at the thrift store. It’s not well made and the glaze is a poor fit for the clay underneath. The glaze shrank much more or much less than the clay body forming tiny almost invisible cracks in the glaze. Over time crud with build up and stain it unpleasantly. I’m making a tea bath that I’ll soak it in overnight and see if I can note evenly highlight those cracks and make it look more intentional. I’ll post it again in the morning. I gotta go to bed.

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It’s tricky! Clip Studio is packed full of tools for it but in the same way it gives you enough rope to hang yourself. I screwed up a few panels where my overlapping tone with a gradient tone on top of that created a funky moire pattern, but it was only noticable AFTER exporting. I didn’t have enough time to fix it.

Sounds like you’re a teacher but what exactly are teaching? General arts? Something more specialized?

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Also, I submitted my comic today. Deadline is tomorrow morning. I’m tired, boss. It’s been a busy week with this and some crazy stuff happening at work. My partner and I went to the pub to celebrate finishing the project.

I made an incredibly stupid mistake that’s only possible because I’m tired and on a tight timeline. When futzing around on the last panel, which takes up about 90% of the last page, I accidentally shifted a shading layer around and now it’s very obviously offset. I’m so annoyed about it because I only noticed when showing my partner AFTER I submitted. It’s such a dumb oversight lol. I’m generally known for being the guy with good attention to detail, too. Shit happens but I’m just so annoyed because it’s so obvious. There was a lot of corner cutting in this project already, but it was mostly fun figuring out where I can save time.

I was already bothered because I wanted to redraw that panel. It kind of sucks. Oh well. I can finally go back to drawing more pretty ladies and fewer old men.


Omg, those kinds of mistakes are infuriating and panic inducing. I think my equivalent is accidentally firing the kiln at Δ8 2305F instead of Δ08 1751F a difference of 550 degrees. I’ve done it twice in the last 50 years and it’s death to most things inside including the kiln shelf.

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It did nothing! :joy:

I was dead wrong. The lazy is an excellent fit and just has some imperfections which is normal. I got knocked off my high horse in only 8 hours.

No tea was wasted on the project. I tried to force myself to be a tea person and I had 2, 2 year old boxes of Earl grey. I’ll use the water for my plants.


An 101 comics course, just having the students make their first comic just to see that they can do it. Ton of examples of some amazing student work right here

Been trying (unsuccessfully) to get back into drawing. Here’s a sketch of my cat where got carried away with negative space.


Like that nose and mouth.

I just did the last part of a non traditional kintsugi repair on the black ceramic glass that is the top to a deco dental cabinet. I didn’t use urushi lacquer but gold leaf adhesive. A paint that dries tacky. I then ground 2 sheets of gold leaf on glass and dabbed it into the adhesive. To my shock it worked.

I hate how scuffed and picked this glass is. Ask that dust is imbedded in little indirections. I should have polished this with abrasive before doing this. Boo


Oooh, do you have some nice tone patterns to share?

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Wow, some of those really stand out! The ones that do are showing a really great understanding of the fundamentals. Out of curiousity, are you using Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics? That books seems like it would be solid to teach from but I don’t know how necessary that is for a 101.

Though, I wouldn’t know. Could never afford uni lol.

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If you’re down with a new toolset, Clip Studio’s entry level perpetual license goes on sale for like $50 very often and was originally made for manga artists before expanding to more illustration stuff and animation. I dropped Photoshop for it several years ago and never looked back. There’s other great free stuff of course but I really like this software in particular.