sticker check!

got some rad stickers on your laptop, phone, musical instrument case, or other surface of choice? I want to see em!

to start things off, here’s what I’ve got on my 13-year-old macbook - I just added a couple new stickers the other day to cover up some that were fading

(p.s. if there’s already a thread for this let me know! I searched but didn’t find any)


Good idea!


I like things


black dresses :speaking_head:


Can you tell I like Atlanta?


A few times a year I do a full cleanse and replace all the stickers


Good thread idea!

Liking fighters and controllers means I have plenty of space to stick things.



I always have a hard time putting stickers on things. I get a bit too precious about them, but I do put stickers on my water bottles. Two of these stickers are of my design.


this is what i had on my macbook pro before i bought another laptop and removed it all to give the MBP to my dad. underneath the streetlight manifesto sticker is a witcher medallion sticker, both on top of the glowy apple logo

and this is what i currently have on my wardrobe beside my desk



Didn’t even consider putting stickers on my fight stick O_O that’s legal??


A friend with a cricut made me stickers of my dog as the eraserhead baby


I’m there with you. to me a sticker is like a finisher or a final touch. for all the sticks in my photos I have stacks of ones too cool to use or waiting for the proper space. usually when I buy stickers, I buy doubles. Also, aside from this gamecube, almost none of my consoles have any stickers, at all. I want to keep the stock look for most of them.
Often, it’s once I have an item for several years that I know for sure where / what sticker I wanna put on it. then it feels so fresh.

there’s also tiers of stickers. irreplaceable ones, fodder, and dupes.
most of the precious stickers go on my CRT cause I know that’s my baby for life.

then sometimes you just say fuck it and put an epic sticker someplace random, that’s fun too.

sticker psychology is certainly a thing. I’ve thought about it since I was a preteen.

I love taking custom shells for flash carts and adding a sticker to it that makes a cohesive whole

take that shit seriously

but then I think back to the way we used stickers on consoles in the 90s… dgaf

that’s more the vibe I go with my CRT. ruin the resell value and make it feel like a bedroom tv from the 90’s

… I have an enormous folder of officially released video game stickers and bundles and stuff


Wow, impressive self-constraint!! Add them to @HyggeState 's new Antiquities Thread!


Yeah I also have huge piles of stickers and rarely stick them anywhere. I’ll get them all out and post a photo one of these days.


fun mara lore I lived with them for a year, we’re buds! rookie showered me with stickers constantly. gave me that sex smiley sticker and a pedalboard I should probably post pics of


I have a weird relationship with stickers in that seeing them in something i have to interact or see constantly gives me extreme anxiety. it’s fully irrational but I’ve been like this since i have memory. i remember when i was in kindergarden if someone dared put a sticker in something that belonged to me or even worse try to put a sticker on my skin i would have a full meltdown and cried for the whole day.

anyway some time ago i was playing a show and a friend asked me if i could bring my acoustic guitar cause they couldn’t bring theirs. at the end of the show some people were giving away a lot of stickers and i didn’t have anywhere to safely store them so i just shoved them into the guitar. i’ve kept doing this since then cause i don’t know where else to store them and now this guitar i barely use is half full of stickers.

all of this to say that i don’t put stickers on my guitar, i put them in my guitar.


I’ve seen one of these piles first hand.

You know I’m now reminded of how awesome my moms stickers in the 90s were. Her sewing kit had stickers from dead tours in late 80’s/ early 90s and there was an independent truck company sticker on the breaker box in the bathroom. Her fridge had like spice girls American anime versions from 50c sticker machines.

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Nice metal king slime
Been waiting to pull the trigger on some metal slime stickers
Metal slimes make great stickers because they are instant dopeamine

@safety_lite I was thinking maybe I’ll just post them here later!