Tears of Iwata’s Kingdom

My goodness, have you all seen the Frostbite “Shirt” yet??


My favourite part is it's called a gown (robe) in the French loc. I'm never taking this off.

Important detail!!


I've been playing too and here are my thoughts:


Damn Purah is a total baddie

Tabantha spoilers:


I've never seen a game try to simulate those shallowly frozen puddles you get early in winter that are fun to stomp on.

@“connrrr”#p116094 GOTY


@“hellomrkearns”#p116105 Can I ask what is going on with the Banjo & Kazooie game thing that has happened recently?

@“xhekros”#p116106 I think it's just that Nuts & Bolts did a similar thing on its time, adding vehicle building and reframing the whole collectathon formula basing the level design around that.

@“JoJoestar”#p116107 that's it.

@“JoJoestar”#p116107 Oh, okay, so it‘s what Tarason said and nothing else.

Well, I’ll have to check this out, as well as the Zelda universe, although first I have to play two games first.

Playing through on my own save a good deal behind the one with my kid, and oh wow we missed a big amount of pretty obvious critical path stuff by taking a circular route to the first tower we visited

Man I am loving this game. I'm heading west after the Forgotten Temple and starting its quest line. Done about 12 shrines.

It feels like Nintendo let me loose in a packed toy mall with access to every floor, whereas BotW was like a flat Walmart. The new powers are expansive but limited in just the right way to keep you thinking. The BotW powers feel much more restricted by comparison, therefore limiting the game design. Knowing there's a vast amount of stuff to do with them above and below ground is almost dizzying. Can't wait to get to a Dungeon. Also, just returning to BotW Hyrule with all of the changes makes me even more curious to explore just to see what I remember and what changed. I haven't played BotW since the expansion came out years ago. Having all of the knowledge of BotW made jumping into this game much easier too, basically knowing how it's base resource management functions (Sell those fancy rocks, cook lots of food and buy stuff! The world is aplenty!)

The technical prowess of being a Switch game is equally impressive.

I played BK:N&B to completion on the 360 about ten years ago and while it's easy to draw comparisons, that game is just one component of TotK. This game is an amalgam of great ideas from many great games.

I will be away from this thread for a while, as I tend avoid others opinions in games I'm actively playing, but as a 30 year Zelda fan (and lover of video games in general) this game is like a dream.

After the tutorial section I did what came naturally and went in the opposite direction from the main quest marker. In this way the game maintains a sense of mystery but also the world itself is partly inaccessible. >!I don‘t have the paraglider. I haven’t been underground or to the sky outside the tutorial. I came to a tower that I couldn‘t interact with but I assume reveals some of the map to me in after I complete a tutorial about them. !< I’m having a good time, but I'm ready to head back and do that main quest bit and have things really open up.

My spatial reasoning is pretty bad so maybe this is a me problem, but the building stuff feels unintuitive. I don't understand how each component really works, and they don't work like I expect them to. I'm still having fun experimenting and building monstrosities that half work. Remembering all the tools I have at my disposal is something I'm getting used to.

this channel has been uploading lots of silly and creative little clips without any spoilers. This is the sort of thing I want to see sometimes because it's not always obvious what stuff will do. My first time trying to shield surf with something attached to my shield just damaged me, but apparently certain things make shield surfing even better, allowing you to grind through the sky on rails like Sonic the Hedgehog.


This is a garbage complaint, but…

Maybe it's because they added the squirrel suit thing and all these diving sections but playing through TotK I'm gaining even more appreciation for Just Cause's hookshot and glide style of open world traversal. Having a hookshot is such a Zelda staple in the first place that it makes its absence all the more glaring. I get that it would trivialize a lot of the shrine puzzles and what not, but every time I glacially climb a hill in this the more I want to just be spidermanning around instead.


@“RubySunrise”#p116144 My spatial reasoning is pretty bad so maybe this is a me problem, but the building stuff feels unintuitive.

I’m having the same issue, so it’s not just you! I’ll also add that the building stuff takes longer to do in a way that I know will get better as I play, but that still feels out of place in a Zelda game.


@“RubySunrise”#p116144 I think it‘s pretty silly that they don’t give you the paraglider on the initial island, considering how essential it is. I guess they want to compel you to at least get the main story started, but they had to know that when given a giant world, most people would want to just start exploring on their own.

Spoilers: Depths


It really wasn‘t until I jumped into a chasm last night that I really got the game. The building outside was fun, and I’d found some silly solutions to problems I invented for myself, but when it came to building wagons or w/e, it was pretty unsatisfying trying to move them around with fans. And the world was just the BotW world again… But then, I jumped down a chasm while following the “Replace my eyes” quest at the ||Temple of Time|| and was just blown away. It's a whole new world down there!!! Bizarre frog statues, skeleton horses, weird red goo everywhere, and eery darkness. And also I happened to land next to just the right parts to build a real car which I puttered around through the darkness in, which felt truly magical.


Stumbled into some story stuff and a boss fight completely by accident, but that was nice because I got the “rebuild stuff” ability, which will certainly come in handy and save a good deal of time .

I complained too soon. Hero's Trail is in totk, you just have to find it.

The shared producers with the Oracle games make the structure of this one make more sense. Just kind of all over the place at the risk of seeming less cohesive. But the gameplay is packed full of some of the most unusual and creative ideas, some so obvious that you wonder why they never did them before.

I've finished 1 temple, and said heck with it and got all the "memories".

_Big story complaints! Don't let me rain on your parade:_
The trailers made the game seem cool and mysterious, but I feel like the story is bland and predictable by the time the “tutorial” is finished. Everyone in the game keeps saying “wow so many questions left unanswered” while my feeling is… really? Cause I’m not asking many questions. Zelda touched the stone, >!went back in time!<, and rauru >!is the first king of hyrule.!<All of that was spelled out in the opening of the game, so it really shouldn't even be counted as spoilers unless you haven't played the game at all. The glyphs already spelled it out in the first cutscene that sky people mixed with hylians…

The bit that wrecks my suspension of disbelief is that botw was supposedly meant to be the farthest in the future in the Zelda world, and yet now we're >!going back to the very beginning, for the fourth or fifth time, and everything still looks the same as botw lol. Zelda's like "this isn't the kingdom I knew" and I'm like "REALLY? SURE LOOKS LIKE IT TO ME!"!<
Overall it’s like I GET IT already!!…. It’s not that trippy… why the need for backwards intense music in the trailers?? It seems like it’s just another bait and switch like twilight princess!... Unless..... Unless there's a big twist that somehow remedies all this for me.

After getting all the glyph memories:
The setup was cool and interesting, obviously they had it laid out early on, but the way they unravel it through at least 80% of the game is really boring and disappointing to me in a way that feels like a _Netflix anime adaptation, which could be exactly what they’d be going for._

People who aren’t overly attached to the series and didn’t care about the story in the first place could care less either way.

The memories feel like they're saying very little. BotW memories did not feel that way to me. Feels like a waste of time re-enacting scenes from >!OoT!<. Only the final memory had any value to me.

I was hoping one day to see a GOOD incarnation of the 100 yearly male Gerudo that isn’t ganondorf.... Does it have to be ganondorf every damn time?? I mean we've only seen it twice in 20 years and it's always him.

Once again they fumbled hard and mistranslated ganon's subversive evil speech, this time when he's talking to the king.

In my opinion there’s a lot of stretching/ mischaracterization happening. Impa is no longer all wise and cool, she’s just out in the field doing nothing. That's really getting into nitpicking though. Even the complete Nintendo bootlickers are saying that the tutorial was too hand-holdey and lacked the freedom of the great plateau.

@"wickedcestus"#p116193 I like that you also went straight to the great plateau. I still didn't find th>!e "replace my eyes guy", who I assume is who talks to you at the goddess statue.!< was it a good reward? i.e., clothing? I accidentally stumbled into the >!underground boss!< too, and then today I went to town to talk to Josha and she gave me two quests at once that I had already finished. Take pictures of every statue underground when you come across them to save yourself the hassle.

@“treefroggy”#p116203 I‘ve only done 2 of the four eyes so far, but I have a feeling it’ll be worthwhile, based on the area where you are taking the eyes. I found it difficult to find the exact place too, but if you look around || the back of the mine || you'll come across it.


@“Karasu”#p116158 I’m having the same issue, so it’s not just you! I’ll also add that the building stuff takes longer to do in a way that I know will get better as I play, but that still feels out of place in a Zelda game.

I wish you could switch what was default in terms of what the control pad does (ie, moving it forward and backward is the default, you have to hold R to rotate it). I've ran into way fewer situations where I need to move something towards or away from me than situations where I need to rotate them.