The Imminent Return of Insert Credit Forums Remake (and you can help!)

so, the reception to the first Insert Credit Forums Remake was pretty good, but then… my life got busy, i got distracted, i procrastinated, i lost some of my motivation, and i got a bit lazy, all causing me to not continue further installments.
but that’s not where the story shall end…
Insert Credit Forums Remake will return! and you can help!
i knew from the start that opening it up to collaboration would be ideal, but my failure to release anything made me realize that the help of others was more necessary than i’d initially thought.
so, i’ve set up a discord server, which anyone is welcome to join. want to help write a section, brainstorm ideas for new sections, proofread, help handle the organization of the whole thing, or contribute in any other you can come up with? not sure how much time or talent you’d have to contribute, but want to pop in to lend the occasional hand? have a bloodlust for time, and want to find some more to kill? just want to see what’s going on? then feel free to join!
(i should note that the server is pretty bare-bones right now, as i want to see how many people join before deciding on what form the project should take)
((also, thanks to sylvando the great; i’ve never played dragon quest xi, but reliable sources confirm he’s a cool guy.))


oh shoot i forgot the link

i edited it into the post, and it’s also here: insert credit forums remake


i’m gonna bump this thread, so perhaps a few more eyes will see it, as well as to show off this neat logo that @Death_Strandicoot made for it:


i’m currently putting together the next issue of insert credit forums remake, and plan to put it out by the end of november 5.
(i still need 2 characters for the “unofficial forum mascot for the month” contest, though… if you have a character you want entered, message me on the forum or discord or something!)


i’m actually going to push the date back to november 9, though don’t worry! this thing will come out!