The Physical Actvity Thread

meow meow meow!

@“exodus”#p119782 he was hissing at the bike the day i brought it in, it was adorable

Been doing weird bicycle stuff my whole life

Here’s a video gamey moment from a recent sewer ride

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if that were really a video gamey moment everything would've exploded from the sewer gasses

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@“treefroggy”#p120774 that rules. I once went to a party at my bike messenger friend‘s place in college, and he and all his courier friends and me took our bikes (I borrowed someone’s—my one and only time riding clipless) down to the underground tunnels at a university here and raced them through the whole network, and I came out second place behind my friend but then puked almost as soon as I got off the saddle lol. We were drunk, of course.

blasting sewer music

@“treefroggy”#p120774 also this is very Metroid Prime, but only the GCN and Wii versions because they cut dynamic lighting out of the remaster.

@“connrrr”#p120797 was thinking >!totk!<, but don't want to maybe spoil anyone inadvertently

@“treefroggy”#p120789 that reminded me that I had music from the first Star Fox playing in my head the whole time I was in those tunnels, probably Space Armada. Another #InternalOST moment!

What is a good sunscreen? I used to love the oatmeal mineral sunscreen Kiss My Face made but they discontinued it. It‘s hard to find a sunscreen that doesn’t feel gross or melt into my eyes when I‘m sweating. I picked up some Blue Lizard sunscreen and it’s all right, but it is so hard to wash off afterward. I guess that's what makes it so sweat-resistant.


I‘m a strong believer in walking. It’s one of my favorite things to do. When I lived in Ireland and Korea, I'd just walk all day.

The tragedy of america may be that it makes it difficult to walk wherever you want whenever you want unless you live somewhere like New York City or some other city built over a century ago.

So on Strava (a biking nerd platform), there's this gimmick where you can be the “local legend” by doing a segment the most times in the last 90 days. My buddy and I were going back and forth on a nasty 9-ish minute 15% climb last year and this year I went to his house and put a homemade bumper sticker on his truck that says “My cycling partner is the Strava local legend of such-and-such climb.” He drove around town for several days before he noticed it.

Several days later after the discovery, I got an email indicating that I was no longer the local legend. I had been usurped by my friend's father-in-law. So now I've got a solid hour of climbing in my future so I don't have to put a copy of the bumper sticker on my car.

@"connrrr"#p124900 I use the Banana Boat 30 SPF sport stuff. It's an orange bottle. It's sunscreen. Most importantly for me, I can apply it in a short amount of time because it's reasonably thin and I don't feel like I'm putting on spackle.

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@“edward”#p124903 The tragedy of america may be that it makes it difficult to walk wherever you want whenever you want unless you live somewhere like New York City or some other city built over a century ago.


@Gaagaagiins more dumb


I recently discovered this extension:


DeArrow is an open source browser extension for crowdsourcing better titles and thumbnails on YouTube. The goal is to make titles accurate and reduce sensationalism. No more arrows, ridiculous faces, and no more clickbait.

..and it works wonders. eg, that video:

@“rejj”#p124964 holy shit, I'm going to give this a try! thanks so much for sharing

@“rejj”#p124964 That looks very classy, but, I kind of appreciate thumbnails as an art form (albeit an aesthetically displeasing, manipulative one), so I‘d be loathe to opt out of them entirely. Don’t worry though, I am immune to propaganda


@“treefroggy”#p124960 @Gaagaagiins more dumb

Was just watching this vid yesterday, great channel!

@“treefroggy”#p124960 instant follow, and a thread about that video is getting people angry on my city's subreddit. We just elected a car-friendly and former right wing radio anchor for mayor in the fall who recently opened a major downtown parkway back up to automotive traffic this month when normally it would be closed off for the benefit of cyclists and pedestrians etc. We have amalgamation in 1999 to thank for suburbanites in this province getting an out-sized voice on how our cities are run.

I actually haven‘t watched the video– because I already know that it’s all stuff I‘ve been saying my entire life and my father has too. For us it’s just funny haha comedy video that we're glad to see becoming mainstream when these ideas were mostly crazy hippie stuff for the past 30 years. Their other videos are good.

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The city I live in just backed away from doing a zero parking minimum. They ended up reducing it, and having a complex zoning scheme based on accessibility to bus routes. People are still upset about the reduction lol. People are strange.