Thrifty garaging fleas! Share your thrift store finds

It’s a real janky one. I thought the black part would be an led screen or something. It’s either broken or does nothing. Pressing a button while it’s plugged in causes it to disappear from the PS2 screen. Unseating and reseating it will then show the other card bank. I don’t think i’ll be using this one to play any long RPG.


I would assume the screen is broken. Cards like these that had several memory cards on them usually had a number appear on the screen to indicate which memory card was active.


Time once again for Treefroggys corner, a thread within a thread detailing not thrift scores, not goofy stuff from your life, but a secret, third thing: Video Game Ground Scores!

Today at the beach showers I saw this dude. He found it in the trash. Thought it was a cool scene
Guitar Hero II for XBOX 360 CIB jutting out of the sand.


Now here’s some true thrift finds. $5 each
As a 30 y something in Venice beach with a bicycle-only lifestyle and job at the pier I find these early 00’s gba-era gameboy cases to all be extremely useful in their various forms. I unironically will use this one that seems like it was made for free solo rock climbing with its bungee cord ass. I had a blue version of the sp case in middle school. I will use the belt clip ones unironically at work and get fired probably. I feel that a place like Venice where people come to flex weird fashion is a rare legitimate case for such accessories as the belt clip also. Seems like something Air Dolphin wishes he had. It works since I wear work wear most of the time.
That’s a lot of context but it’s because these things can also be really dorky by default. They’re actually really rugged, well padded inside with smart materials to make them highly specialized compared to some generic case you’d get off amazon nowadays. And they’re cheaper when they’re $5 each.

The SP one even feels like it would keep my console safe on my belt even while I’m skateboarding.

There is a variant of the hiking bag with PokĂ©mon mystery dungeon rescue team on it with pikachu that I want, but mystery dungeon fans snap them up and they are expensive. I wouldn’t pay more than $20 for something like that. The black on I got also is a misprint that has the Nintendo logo sewn on upside down, which is cool. Down with Nintendo.


Heck yeah, I have a few of the grey pouches and they are SOLID


kind of went on an ebay shopping spree and ordered like 10 more bags and cases for around ~$10 each, some as low as $7 shipped which is crazy to even see nowadays (how are they making a profit lol)
I also have been comparing the Japanese selection on mercari. Japan gets cool cases of their own but this “Switch N Carry” brand they have in the US is just nice and rugged
 I did find an official case for Wonderswan but it’s pretty expensive
 Though I could use one. Or five. I’m going case crazy.
The older GBC ones obviously sell fast and are more expensive, but the Gameboy Pocket even moreso because they are rarest. OG gameboy is pretty easy to find. But yeah if I could get a proper Gameboy Pocket case I’d be stoked.

 Also ordered some for Nintendo DS and DSi

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In this tiny ass bag I have

I am ready to free solo Helens, playing agb-001 at the top where the sunshine is adequate


An example of what I’m talking about with Japanese case equivalents which use weaker materials
 they come in cooler colors like this, but are much thinner, and this one is falling apart.
But look! The interesting thing; it has TECH SPECS! 
For the DS!!! You thought printing the chipset and tech specs on consoles and stuff ended in the 90’s or earliest of 00’s but well
 take a look at this! All the way through the DS era! So cool!


Drive to Peoria IL because I hadn’t yet been to their flea market. I found a lenticular Jesus in one of those lighted frames for 5 bucks. It’s in very rough shape, likely been in a garage for a million years. The frame is salvageable. There were also a crazy amount of Wii and 360 consoles at just a regular thrift store


a couple weeks ago i was tempted to get a 360 at a goodwill, but couldn’t pull the trigger


First time exploring Fort Worth, came by back with some used books, a really cool Japanese sumo mug, and a loose copy of Outrun 2006 for PSP
that doesn’t work


Could never get the PC version of that game up and running, either. I might have an Outrun 2006 curse, but I’m gonna keep trying


I was tabled too. Being the last gen of consoles that natively connect to a crt tv is the only I want it but I already have a ps3. It would probably sit in a drawer

Found an old art deco army phone. It sadly doesn’t work fully. People can hear me but the phone doesn’t ring nor can I hear the caller. A friend reported that I sound like I’m calling from a tin can from outer space


maybe the army had a hierarchy of phones, strictly for giving orders.


You could turn it into a cool microphone.


Just looking around online for more detail about these phones turned the schematic and wiring manual for this one! It’s pretty cool and interesting. Having repaired a 1950’s phone for my parents years ago, my guess is it’s probably an easy fix to get this one working?


Yeah! The wiring diagram is actually printed inside the phone


I found a very distressed sculpture at a junk shop from the guy I worked for in late high school and a while after. I can afford his resin work unless it’s in bad condition but I’m not complaining.


Two excellent CRTs at goodwill in yakima WA. The DVD VCR combo was only $20 and about 15 inches. The sharp had component inputs. Rad.

apparently this goodwill regularly stocks CRTs. they said the only limit is they have to be under like 40" ie no rear projection big screens. wild to see a goodwill still stocking them because I feel it’s a shame no one else does anymore.


how much are those 360’s going for? There’s a thrift here where my gf lives that has a busted untested black xbox 360 up for 75 stinking dollars that I wanna talk them down on.

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