Topic for forum technical testing - no posting unless asked.

This is a short term topic so I can do some tests on the technical aspects of the forum, outside of the mod status. I will be asking certain users to post and flag other posts, so we can record exactly how these responses are recorded in discourse. We don’t have a sandbox so this has to be done in production and I’m trying to do it as small an interuption to business as usual!

PLEASE do not post here unless I’ve reached out and asked you to specifically. If anyone does I will just delete the posts.

Thanks everyone in advance for your help.

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rejj @rejj

connrrr @connrrr

Tom @Tom

me @yeso

Edit by Tom - post unhidden but flags still in place.

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rejj @rejj

Tom @Tom

yeso @yeso

me @connrrr

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Thank you all, please make sure you flag each post that’s not your own, even this one.

Edit to reinstate post.

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Question for anyone viewing - can you only see my posts or is everything hidden?

This is what it looks like (unauthenticated)

This is what it looks like to me (trust level: leader)


Great, thanks for confirming that. This is really helpful everyone and much appreciated.


test post

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@Yeso - can you make a post [yeso’s note: this is what I am doing in posting this post]. @Rejj can you put it as “off Topic”, @Connrrr can you please wait until rejj has done theirs, then can you put “inappropriate”.

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@rejj do a post, @connrrr say it is off topic, @Yeso wait for connrrr and then say inappropriate

This is my post for this test

this post to be flagged as: off topic

this post to be flagged as: inappropriate

this post to be flagged as: spam

this post to be flagged as: something else

edit by Tom to fix the post and allow it to appear.

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@rejj can you please send me a message in the flag about this post.

edit - can you flag it please, so I can restore it and confirm.

Replying to this for testing.

Morning fellow testers!!

Could someone please flag this post as Something else and no replies made to it whatsoever I need to confirm the differences in flagged something else posts and this is the last one :slight_smile:
Editing to check

Something else

Test to edit