Turns out Sakurai's channel op. and ed. jingles were composed by someone famous

[“Turns out Sakurai’s channel op. and ed. jingles was composed by someone famous”,“Turns out Sakurai’s channel op. and ed. jingles were composed by someone famous”]

@marxseny, by posting this, you have confirmed that you are sakurai, and that by extension, sakurai listens to the podcast.

I always thought one of the main themes for the body of the video sounded just like this theme from skyward sword:


But I voted yuzo koshiro

Sakurai revealed!

@marxseny wow! I was wrong! I guess Sakai

This victory tastes extra sweet

Yuzo Koshiro did a lot of tracks for Smash Ultimate!

I was a fool

It just sorta seemed like something he would do

<@treefroggy oh no. Named and shamed.