Unorthadox takes on recipes and food

Had a force of inspiration. Why make garlic bread and eat it with reheated pasta (ravioli) when you could reheat he pasta (ravioli) on the garlic bread while making it? I call it Pasta Bread or The Demone d'Italia.

I would probably use grated cheese instead of finely cut cheese next time as it took to long to melt.
The pasta was store bought fresh yesterday, basil, tomato, mozzarella. It was mixed into a simple sauce of canned crushed tomatoes, garlic, onion, mixed herbs and a fresh tomato.

The garlic bread was made on a ciabatta roll. With butter and garlic, mixed herbs and chilli flakes. Ciabatta makes the best garlic bread.

Cook the garlic bread for 5mins on flat tin foil.
Remove from oven, add leftover pasta (ravioli) and sauce. Try and get sauce down first. Add cheese.
Put back in the oven for 8 mins (not sure of it was on) with foil over top for 8 mins.
Take out of oven, flatten foil and cook for 4 mins.
(I might've put it in again here for a few mins, not sure.)
Get frustrated cheese hasnt melted.
Turn on grill for a minute.
Time to eat.

@ā€œbeetsā€#p60678 you know what i might do? make garlic bread, sauce and ravioli it, get it hot, put a moderately thick slice of cheese on top and put the whole mess cheese side down on a hot skillet. keep it there until it releases easily, cheese should be browned and crispy on top and melted below.

This sure is unorthodox!

@ā€œrejjā€#p63485 birriamen is a fantastic concept! I know some places near me that sell birriamen but I havenā€˜t tried it because Iā€™m vegan, i might end up making it myself one of these days. I normally make birria out of hibiscus flowers or soy, I'll have to see which option goes better with ramen

Right now I'm working on a recipe that combines pozole and ramen, i have done if about two times but I'm still trying to get the broth to be the right combination between a ramen broth and pozole broth.

As of right know my vegan pozoramen includes a veggie pozole broth with chile guajillo which gives it it's Mexican flavor and a bit of miso and sesame oil. The soup itself consists of classic pozole grains and ramen noodles and the toppings that i have found work well with this are huitlacoche, hibiscus flowers, bok choi, fresh cabbage (normally served with pozole) and bean sprouts.

The last time I made it was a little bit too pozole-y so I'm trying new things to give it some ramen flavor as well.
Gonna keep experimenting with the broth and the toppings to find the right balance.

The other day I was making some conchas (sweet Mexican bread). i had planned to make half of them chocolate and half of them vanilla but I ran out of chocolate powder so I used matcha instead and they turned out pretty good! My best friend was a big fan of them.

Oh and also those matcha conchas were pretty unorthodox because I use a pan de muerto recipe to make conchas because I like the texture better and the subtle orange flavor is amazing.

I forgot to take a picture of them but here's a picture of some regular chocolate and vanilla kind of rough looking but still delicious conchas. (I don't have the thing to make the pattern that conchas usually have and making the lines manually is a pain in the ass)[upl-image-preview url=//]

I made a chip butty today. Question for the Brits, have you encountered a luxury chip butty before? I'm thinking along the lines of potato skins inside a home made foccacia roll with a tomato salsa.

I've seen a luxury toasted sandwich/grilled-cheese shop before, wondering if the chip butty has been exploited yet.

Iā€˜m very young and I have no idea what to do with my life but in the last few months the thought of starting a vegan Mexican-asian fusion foodtruck has crossed my mind. I donā€™t know where I would get the money to do that but I like the idea.

I would have to improve some aspects of my cooking (like presentation) though.

@ā€œē©“ā€#p63489 I did not know that there was a specific Concha Cutter tool ā€“ and having just done a quick search for it I was surprised at its price! $54 (au) on amazon was the first result I found.


@ā€œē©“ā€#p63488 Gonna keep experimenting with the broth and the toppings to find the right balance.

Please do report back if you settle on a method you like. I'd love to try it.

now Iā€˜m thinking about birria I think itā€™s my favorite mexican food. Physically unable to say the word ā€œbirreriaā€ though

I made birria ramen the other day at home, although unfortunately that just means ordering a large consomme from the local birria place and adding ramen noodles. It wasnā€™t anything special, but probably my fault as toppings were sorely lacking.


@ā€œē©“ā€#p63489 kind of rough looking

a simple citrus icing would probably be easier to work with and looks "neater" if just poured over, and would go well with the orange flavor....

@ā€œyesoā€#p63633 that's actually a pretty good idea, gonna try it one of these days

i had a lime that needed to get used, and a chili, so i made a little hot sauce by dicing up the chili and putting it in a little dish, adding a bit of salt and msg, the juice of the lime, and a bloop of coconut milk. pretty good. probably an inferior version of some common condiment from a cuisine i don't know of. to quote david k. lewis in on the plurality of worlds:


There are so many other worlds, in fact, that absolutely every way that a world could possibly be is a way that some world is.

Uh I'm more than a little disappointed that no one brought this up but if you want an unorthodox take on a good recipe:

[upl-image-preview url=//]

what kind of insane probably texan mind even thinks of adding an entire tablespoon of ā€œworcestershireā€ and 8 fucking OUNCES of barbecue sauce to chili???

anyway I wrote this little curry walkthrough for someone too many months ago


[upl-image-preview url=//]

hit me with a reply if you want my chili or spaghetti recipe

@ā€œVenus Emperorā€#p68452 i mean, a tablespoon in a pound of unseasoned ground beef doesn't strike me as crazy at all.

@ā€œpasquinelliā€#p68456 this is like saying you would pour a teaspoon of worcestershire straight on a hamburger patty when that's actually the amount you put on a 16 oz steak

but it's just the sheer audacity of some molasses junky thinking that hamburger and beans simmered in 5 times the normal amount of southwest steaksauce actually qualifies as chili, I have eaten this "chili dog a la sonic" and it is abominable

@ā€œVenus Emperorā€#p68452 mother of god

sometimes, less is more

@ā€œVenus Emperorā€#p68462 obviously iā€˜m with you with the barbecue sauce, just not so sure about the worcestershire part. iā€™m going to season a pound of browned ground beef with a tablespoon of worcestershire sauce and see how it tastes for myself.

anybody try mushroom ketchup? it's pretty good, and the leftover mushroom bits are great.


@ā€œpasquinelliā€#p68469 iā€™m going to season a pound of browned ground beef with a tablespoon of worcestershire sauce and see how it tastes for myself.

i tried this last night, and i categorize the results as very lightly seasoned. if you were to just eat a bowl of ground beef, it might be fine, but if you were to mix it with onion, celery, and carrot and serve it over rice, then it's not enough seasoning. i added maybe a teaspoon of [this]( and [that]( maybe i put in some soy sauce too, i don't know. and of course, two cups of maple syrup ;p

My latest unorthodox thing that I do is dipping tortilla chips into any kind of curry. It's really really good.

Also, unrelated, i'm quite ignorant of Eastern European and Jewish cuisine, (there isn't a lot of exposure to it in this region) so after watching the Seinfeld episode with all the drama about the chocolate babka in the bakery, I decided to make some and it was also really really good.
I didn't even know what babka was before watching that Seinfeld episode!