Violence Island Submissions

Lara Croft from Tom Braider vs. Tom Brady from that Madden

Diablo (from the Diablo series) vs. Goro (from the Mortal Kombat series).

Goro vs. Goro Majima

Vibri (Vib-Ribbon)


Bosh (Line Rider)

The Iron Bull vs Bald Bull

Xbox vs Playstation

Tony Hawk vs John Madden vs Tiger Woods vs Ken Griffey Jr

Bleach Japan (Yakuza Like a Dragon) vs. John “Soap” MacTavish (Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare)

Mike Tyson vs. Ike (Fire Emblem)

The guy in the Yakuza games who just stands there blocking your way at the end of a corridor swinging a couch or something vs another one of those guys from one of the other Yakuza games.

1000 pikmin vs 1000 lemmings

The Doki Doki Literature Club vs. The Sakura Taisen Imperial Combat Revue ~ Flower Division ~


that's an even better version of this idea: @“NoJoTo”#p52589 !

@“NoJoTo”#p147555 woah great minds think alike!

I thought about 1 v 1 but i'm afraid whoever they fought next might accidentally step on the pikmin

420 pikmin vs 69 lemmings


ever wonder why theres no green pikmin??

Steven Tyler from Revolution X vs. Lammy from Um Jammy Lammy

Ridley from Metroid vs. Liu Kang morphed into a dragon from Mortal Kombat II

Jak from Jak and Daxter vs. Jack from Tekken

Robo (Chrono Trigger) v. Robocop

Electro (various Spiderman games) v. Electrocop

Max Caulfield (Life is Strange) v. Timecop

@“Tradegood”#p147564 this goes so hard

Zuntata vs S.S.T. Band

Brandon (The Legend of Kyrandia: Book One) vs Guybrush Threepwood (The Secret of Monkey Island) >!alt.: Brandon of Kyrandia vs Brandon Sheffield!<

Curtis Crane (Phantasmagoria 2) vs Harrier Du Bois (Disco Elysium)

Chaos Witch Quelaag vs Rom, the Vacuous Spider