Violence Island Submissions

The Nameless King vs Light Yagami

If Light doesn't count we can give Judgment's Tak Yagami the death note.

Poppy and Choppy (Videoball) vs. The Last Human (Ziggurat)

This would be a bit of a collaborative effort, but out of all the kings in From Software games who would be the best match for the sneaky Burger King king from the Sneak King game?

@“thebryanjzx90”#p149490 I think it's been done before, but King of All Cosmos has some big Sneak King energy.

I propose a 3-way cage match for which I will be apologizing in advance:

  • - Tim from Braid (sorry Tim)
  • - Frank from _Last of Us_
  • - Brandon from _Subway Surfers_
  • And I assume that at some point:

  • - Alex from the Street Fighter 3 series arrives unexpectedly as a spoiler to play kingmaker.
  • Joel from TLOU vs Joel from MST3K

    Some matchups between mortal enemies

    Spyro vs Turok dinosaur hunter
    Jigglypuff vs the Earth Defense Force
    Dr. Mario vs The X Parasite
    Luigi with Poltergust 3000 vs the ghost of tsushima

    The protagonist of Prey (2006) vs The protagonist of Prey (2017)

    Ultros from Final Fantasy VI vs. Gilgamesh from Final Fantasy V

    A Cactuar from the Final Fantasy series vs. A Metal Slime from the Dragon Quest series

    A Tonberry from the Final Fantasy series vs. A gang of Muddy Hands from the Dragon Quest series

    The king of iron fist Vs the king of the cosmos

    Yevgeny Borisovitch Volgin vs. Blanka vs. Raiden (MK) vs. Pikachu vs. Cole MacGrath (Infamous) vs. Thor vs. Electro vs. Sheep Man, but they’re all wearing the Franklin Badge from Earthbound

    The Various Unarmed Fighting Disciplines: Boxing vs Kick vs Karate vs Pro Wrestling vs Jujitsu vs…

    Just spitballing some brain dumps here

    Kid Icarus vs Fei Long (Street Fighter)
    Dogs Bower (Blue Stinger) vs Tatsuya Suou (Persona 2: Innocent Sin)
    Aika (Skies of Arcadia) vs Klonoa
    Armored Core vs Steelix (Pokemon - canonically 10.5m tall and 400kg in weight)
    I-No (Guilty Gear series) vs Nishiki (Yakuza 1)
    Apollo Justice physically defending Yuji Naka with his life vs 100 Goombas
    Jazz Jackrabbit with a sniper rifle vs David Cage (as himself or as his Fahrenheit incarnation)
    Goofy (Shinji Mikami's Goof Troop) vs Goose (Untitled Goose Game)
    Jack (Strangers of Paradise) vs Don Flamenco (Punch Out series)
    Jill Valentine vs Wonder Boy (Wonder Boy series)
    ~~Mr Drippy (Ni No Kuni) vs Meat Boy (Super Meat Boy)~~

    Tim Rogers roaring “who cares” vs Brandon Sheffield going “hehehe”

    I’ve been meaning to tell brandon that he laughs like george w bush but I probably never will unless he reads this

    Devo from Devo Presents Adventures of the Smart Patrol vs The Residents from The Residents Freak Show

    Lemmy from the Motörhead amiga game vs Ben from Full Throttle

    @“hellomrkearns”#p106329 come on

    Drokmar (Magic Sword) v. Garibaldi (Knights of the Round)

    Titanic Ant vs Tiny Kong

    2B vs MissingNo.

    Arc the Lad vs. Dimitrescu the Lady


    Was there a Moulin Rouge video game? Arc the Lad vs. Lady Marmalade would be so much better.