Virtua Fighter 5 Virtua(l) local

Greetings fighters, last week @TheFragranceOfDarkCoffee organised a Virtua Fighter lobby in the fighting game thread and it was a lot of fun! This is very last minute but better late than never!

Fragrance suggested making a thread and doing this more regularly so I want to open a lobby this **Sunday, October 15th at 1PM Eastern Time (aka 6pm British Summer time)** and try my best (schedule permitting) to make this a weekly or at least bi-weekly thing.

We are playing Virtua 5 Ultimate Showdown (aka: Virtua fighter 5 esports) on the Playstation Network.

Anyone want to play?

Open to any skill level, I'm just starting to learn my character but this is the kind of game where anyone at any level can have a close game as long as you know how to block, evade and grab. So whether you have mastered the frame data or you've just downloaded the game come on down!

Just as a note: I've introduced 3 friends to this game in the last couple of weeks, 2 of whom struggle with fighting games and one who actively disliked them and we had a great time, so don't be afraid to try it out if you aren't much of a fighting gamer. No meter, no projectiles, just good old fashioned martial arts!

I have created a room, password is 0108 and my username is nolimits_rostant

If you can't see the room please add me on PSN and I'll invite you!

No pressure if people can't make this week, I have my switch on me and will also open a lobby next week!

Ah man I slept too much to catch this one! Next week!


no worries!! Sunday next week sound good?

How are people feeling about playing today? I‘m actually out at the moment but I’m thinking of opening a room at 2PM Eastern Time (aka 7pm British Summer time)

I missed this thread, I'll make an effort to be there next week

I think I can make it to the next one!

My PS4 is kinda in limbo so I don‘t want to commit and then flake out, but I still wanted to pipe up and say this does sound like fun. I’m a massive-passive fan of the series (played a ton of 1, 2, and 4 … but don't play competitively).

@“KingTubb”#730 @“TheFragranceOfDarkCoffee”#330 great!! I think I might aim for Sunday, October 29th at 2PM Eastern Time (aka 7pm British Summer time) this week if that's ok? Subject to change though, let me know!

@"sosadillatron"#24 My ps4 was also in limbo so I know where you're coming from, I've been there! You're welcome to join us if you can make it but no pressure!

Curveball, Cousin‘s birthday is sunday and I was just informed that we’re doing lunch at 2PM

Have fun!!

@“KingTubb”#p138167 no worries, have a good time!!

I'm really sorry @TheFragranceOfDarkCoffee , I don't think I can make it tomorrow but I'm happy to play next week!