Nice! I went with the Vita Slim over OLED recently after weighing both options (physically & mentally) in the shop, and love this thing. Battery works great & holds a charge surprisingly well, which is a nice change from the fickle battery sitch’ we have to deal with for the PSPs.
My Steam Deck has been massively neglected since acquiring my Vita.
Having a hard time getting Max Vita up and going. Also FF7 crashed during my last session on Adrenaline. And FF6 via SNES9x on RetroArch is slow as all get out. But I’m sure those will be easily troubleshooted the more I tinker.
SNES has been a bit of a spin-it-to-win-it-but-there-sure-are-a-lot-of-whammies for me on Vita – the main thing to try if it’s running slow (I assume you’re running it via RetroArch) is to change the core. I’m sometimes in luck with the “Snes9x 2005” core, or if that wangs up the audio, “Snes9x 2005+” (for example, I recently played Maka Maka, and that plays perfectly using the 2005+ core).
Some games don’t seem to at all play at a bearable speed on Vita, though – bit of a shame.
Thanks, figured this might be the issue, will try it out. Was also wondering if it was an issue within RetroArch itself, since I don’t remember having any issue with SNES games on my PSPs, and the Vita is more powerful…so was curious as to why some games are giving me some trouble. But on my PSP, I just run CFW with the individual cores rather than RetroArch. Oh well, plenty of games to play and I enjoy tinkering anyways.
Heck yeah, just gave it a go and it’s running smooth on Chimera! Thanks! I think FF6 is my ultimate comfort game, and I’m especially endeared to the FFIII SNES version for sentimental reasons. I’m not even sure what they changed in all the other ports, but I should look into that sometime…
What is the vita most useful for these days? I still have my launch Vita and in theory could use it for something, but it feels like the answer is mostly just emulation, which, yeah but I have handhelds that do that already.
I’ve been enjoying my Vita lately for PSP games mostly. Wipeouts and Ridge Racers. I also have a handful of Vita games I’d like to eventually get to that I haven’t played yet. It’s also still the only place you can play the complete Mursamasa experience.
But if you have a PSP for those games and don’t have any Vita stuff you want to play then idk! It’s not an especially good emulation machine, especially by today’s standards with all those bigger, stronger, cheaper handhelds out.
yeah that makes sense, I will still break it or my PSP out for a game every now and then, it’s probably the best form factor, but it is an extra step of trouble compared to the emulation machines. Honestly I think if it had a better charger I would use it way more often, same with my 3DS, which is maybe a silly position to take.
I decided my Vita was collecting dust, especially with a lot of the big games it still had dibs on are now on other platforms, so I jailbroke (is that a word?) it and now I use to for PSP and PS1 emulation primarily, and I assure you I delete them within 24 hours. I always knew I’d be playing Pepsiman when I bought a Vita at launch.
The main thing I think of these days is the Retronauts Vita Boat story.
Is Freedom Wars worth playing when the remaster comes out or was its reputation elevated because there wasn’t a lot of stuff on Vita? It kind of sounds like a game that I’d get more out of if I had someone to play multiplayer with.
8 people played that game and 3 them liked it. I’m one of the 3. It’s the first MonHun style of game that actually clicked for me. It’s not a perfect game or even a great game but I think it’s really fun and worth a shot. It’s amazing it’s getting this remaster.
i liked it just fine without ever playing it online. i do not think the thorn stuff will be as interesting in a world where monster hunter rise exists, but it’s nice if you are looking for a phantasy star online to play.