Iggy’s Wrecking balls
Mischief Makers
Mario Golf?
Bomberman 64
Mario Kart 64
Body Harvest
Pokémon stadium
Silhouette Mirage
Persona 2
when i was a kid my mom took me to a pokemon tournament at the mall. this was my first time playing a real person via a gb link cable and i got fucking TROUNCED by some other kid. i was so confident i was going steamroll through the battles like i had the elite 4 that i was left in a daze, completely unaware that every other kid there had also handily beaten the elite 4.
anyway, the tournament also had a raffle with the grand prize being a chance to play pokemon stadium on the n64, which had not yet been released. i was pretty despondent but when they called my name for the raffle i got so excited that i remember telling the event organizer “nothing like this ever happens to me!” which is a pretty weird thing for an 8 year old to say lol. i got to sit on a chair on a big riser in the middle of the sectioned off area and play a single pokemon stadium while everyone else watched me. i think the match itself was pretty short, but man it sure left an impact on me.
thinking about it now, i can’t imagine how i would have found out about that event on my own, so my mom must have learned about it and decided to take me there. that’s heart warming.
Super Mario Kart
i’m afraid to find this one you’ll have to decipher a series of clues each more fiendish than the last
Warioware Gold