What's that (obscure!) game!?

Is it Dead or Alive 5's rooftop stage?

Youse have your national flag on your trains ??? ??? ???

@robinhoodie#3609 Nope!

I thought mine wasn‘t that hard considering you don’t see 96 star US flags very often (I'm not American so I could be wrong about this).

Let me know when a hint or the full screenshot is necessary, alternatively @Video_Game_King could swoop in at any time I suppose.

Ok, so I found out this cropped image could potentially be from multiple games, as the asset used is actually just something from the Unreal Engine store:


In that case I'll drop a hint and the full screenshot. The game I'm looking for was published by Square Enix.

It's The Quiet Man!

@billy#3622 Indeed it is!

The Quiet Man is a terrible video game.

Everyone should play it.

@badatgaems#3623 Yes!

Sightseeing time now. Which game features this landmark?


Now that the game is out in the open, I can say I got it by counting the stars in the American flag. It even led me to the actual screenshot @badatgaems#3623 used.

Hmmm, I'm getting racing vibes.

Sega Rally!?

@exodus#3632 Warm, but nope.

Yeah, very Sega-y looking. Maybe on the left side of the track. Is it Sega Super GT?

@adamazing#3635 Sliiiightly warmer, but still nope.

Am I a fool and this is actually Outrun Coast 2 Coast!?

I can’t find a good reference screenshot but I am pretty sure that’s Ridge Racer 7.

@chazumaru#3670 Correct!


I’ll try to think of a good one with a decent clue in the frame and a cool story behind it. @exodus Do you prefer the topic to remain focused on in-game screenshots? Or does game packaging / instruction booklets / promotion material work as well?

oh, hmm, an excellent question!! I feel like “guess this packaging” or “guess this Game Thing” could be its own topic, but maybe there‘s not enough excitement/drive for that? What do y’all think?

promo materials/etc almost feel like their own separate kind of fun to me? I personally would not mind two of these topics running simultaneously

@exodus#3676 separate ones for me is my vote

@exodus#3676 Separate for me too.

Then so it shall be! @chazumaru, can you do a game one and start the materials thread??