I’m starting to realise that amongst iconoclasts I’m an iconoclast here on IC. Everybody loves the early 90’s consoles and thinks those games are without reproach, nobody knows shit about 90’s DOS gaming.
It’s depressing to see endless recommendations and discussions stacking upon themselves of the same SNES games, with the implied statement that anything else is crap and not worth discussion. Maybe I’m projecting I dunno.
i agree that seeing more stuff about dos games would be cool, but from a person who doesn’t talk about them, i just want to say that i think that implication you feel isn’t intended; instead, i think most people (at least myself) are just ignorant, and not sure how to get into dos games.
i also think it’s an uphill battle; people won’t as easily remember the dos games they recently learned about vs. the snes games they’ve had rattling around their head for years.
I think you’re not considering something very important here and completely twisting things. PCs were expensive af in the early 90’s, most households didn’t have them and many of us were young kids at that time. It’s hard to recommend something you have no experience with.
I’m not sure what all actually is a DOS game. Is it most of the games I played on PC in the 90s? That Magic the Gathering game where you walked around like in Fallout 1 was pretty rad! I think that’s DOS?
I had a bunch of cheapy Saturn games sitting in the cart at Suruga-ya that I’ve been thinking about buying for at least a month, so I decided to pull the trigger on them this morning. BUT! Before I did, I thought to double check if I had accidentally put anything I already owned in the cart (this has happened before) and discovered I did in fact own 6 of the 7 games? At the same time, I always thought I owned D for Saturn. Turns out I (ironically, given my avatar) don’t somehow? So anyway, a bunch of under or around 1000 yen Saturn and 3DO games are headed my way, including both the regular and Satakore versions of D!