@“Gaagaagiins”#p76328 same news here lol
we're with you
aww sorry to hear @Gaagaagiins and @captain, fwiw you're hired as Co-CEOs in my heart <3
sad I won't be able to participate tonite, but hopefully I can pop in a silently observe some of the shenanigans
Well, my Internet‘s been acting up all day, so there’s a realistic chance I might not be able to join tonight's game.
I can’t join tonight but I’d love to participate in the future!!
I'll be on my lunch break so I can stop by.
This is maybe not the best time to say that idfk how Twitch works at all but I'll probably be able to figure it out
you and me both Gaagaagiins lol off to a good start
This was a blast! I came in first place^1^!
^1 - Dramatization, may not have happened
@“Gaagaagiins”#p76402 You definitely came in a place.
@“Video_Game_King”#p76411 They say that second place is just first loser………… well……. I wasn‘t first loser that’s for sure…….
Unrelated PSA but did you know that if you guess incorrectly in Jeopardy the point value of the question gets subtracted from your score?
I’m down. I think about this a lot. Ever since I was participating in a video game trivia panel at a con, the question was “this was the first Nintendo game with two screens” I said “what is game & watch donkey Kong” and they said that is incorrect, next person buzzed in and said “Nintendo ds” and got the point. I was upset
Will read posts tomorrow.
we'd love to have you froggy and I vow to not have questions that dumb, at least in that way
Thanks all who participated yesterday. Congrats to video_game_king. Stream was more than a little ramshackle but I'll get the tech side worked out.
An interesting discovery: the Deluxe Edition of SNES Jeopardy is surprisingly easy to hack.
[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/3ceFq89.png]
Granted, I haven't actually changed any of the questions yet, but I know of [at least one instance where somebody did](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GOHvbgoxE0) (warning: the general sort of casual homophobia/prejudice one would expect from a late 2000s cultural artifact). You could totally source questions/categories from people here to create your own mock-Jeopardy thing.
Edit: OK, so ROM hacking may be substantially more complicated than "write some funny category names and see if it works."
[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/sM2ahh2.png]