Am I making this thread up? A thread to help find other threads!


@“nickfourtimes”#p85924 if it doesn’t already exist

[This thread]( wasn't made for general-purpose game investigation but I think it would be funny if we started using it that way

alrighty in a fit of space madness i've gone & done it.

Is there a general IC show thread? I didn‘t listen to all of the first run so I’m going back for a big relisten and worshipping Shagagamer made me do an actual lol while walking my dog.

Is there a thread in which people share cool websites? Not for people‘s own websites, but just
 cool websites, or the cool things they’ve found out in the web?

When I was relatively new here someone, somewhere shared a link to an old student film. I can't remember the name of the film or the creator or the person who shared the link... all of which would help in my search. But I did watch the student film. The basic structure was a talking-head interview with the same art student at the start of each new semester of art school. In between these interviews were experimental bits and sketches, like depicting a college party with McDonald's toys or parodying sexy phone line ads.

I'm interested in finding that website because I'm now looking for a different movie (_Some Chance Operations_, 1998) and thought maybe this mystery website would have it.

If I had any more information it would help my search, even if only a small part of it is relevant to this thread or even this forum.

For general sharing of websites, I think this was the main thread, but a quick glance through it didn‘t seem to reveal what you’re looking for. You might still want to look through it just in case, since it's not a long thread.

You could also try the [video essay thread](, which is much longer, but based on your description that seems like a place it could have been shared? Though most of those just link to youtube

Hopefully it wasn't shared in the movie thread, which might be too long to manually look through without more clues.



Thanks for looking into it. Re-reading my post, I want to make a clarification: it's a student film I'm looking for, by a woman who later became a pretty well known 'experimental artist', _not_ a forum member's student film. I really wish I could remember her name! I may be wrong, but I think the title of the film was a year. Like "1995".

Dang it, which is the thread of game music that sounds like other music?? It‘s not sounds familiar, and it’s not the music that reminds you of game music one
 Which is it??

is it this one?

or this one???

Oh wow we've got two!! I wonder if we should combine them

it's especially funny because you started the second thread looking for the first thread


@exodus That old thread (that you didn’t make) is here.

and then this is [my reply]( directing you to it.

real time loop situation over here

@“wickedcestus”#p87814 what a maroon!! (I am)

I'll merge them later ;_;

What happened to that orangutan thread?

Isn‘t there a thread for helping you figure out what an old game was, from vague childhood recollections? I want to identify what the arcade game was that used to be in the lobby of my old dentist’s office when I was a kid.

@“Gaagaagiins”#p90905 yes it's this one

an orthodontist's office i once went into had metal slug and sonic the hedgehog 2006


@“captain”#p90910 Gaagaagiins yes it’s this one


an orthodontist’s office i once went into had metal slug and sonic the hedgehog 2006

Unfortunately that game had nothing in it about cats so it would not be appropriate.

@“Gaagaagiins”#p90912 you can use it but you have to be thinking about cats while you do so

do we have a thread to share (non-video) videogame essays or write ups or articles in general?

there's been a couple of things I've read recently that i thought it would be cool to share here but they didn't fit any specific thread

@“穎”#p102401 this thread has historically served that sort of purpose. not sure if there's a better one!

there no “PC gaming/games/builds” thread? that seems impossible to me.

i just built a new pc and got That 3080. i simply must be a gamer about it