Playing Killer7 right now, and reading the dialogue feels uniquely odd. Not because the dialogue itself is “weird,” I don‘t really know—there is the oblique prose but it’s in combination with the sound design (raspy shrieking, deep warbling, chipmunk talk, no music) and some third je ne sais quoi which together make it feel like I'm reading disconnected individual words for thirty seconds, then recalling and putting them all together in an instant once the talking is finished.
a ^r r ^a n ^g i ^n g
t ^e ~x t
i n
^p ^o ^s t
~l i ^k e
t h i s
~m ~i ~g ~h ~t
p r ^o ^d ~u ~c e
~c ^o ~m ^p ~a ^r ~a ^b ~l ^y
^r ~e ^a ~d ^i ~n ^g
e x p e r i e n c e
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