(Archived 2022) The thread in which we talk about games we are currently playing

I finally beat Earthbound (first time) this week.

I‘ve been playing since late May.

Playing only in the mornings before work for the most part, through Switch online.

Uh oh, I’m paying kind of a lot to just play Earthbound through this subscription model! D'oh!

I had a great time! It's funny to try to talk about it. Obviously I don't need to be telling you all that it's good!
I guess the most notable thing is that I was able to enjoy it for the first time in 2022.
As I've stated here before, I grew up with Pokemon, never really got further into JRPGs, until I played through Dragon Quest 11.
It's cool to be able to go back in time, and see how much but also how little has changed. Yeah this game came out when I was 1 month old (sorry oldies) but I totally get it, how to buff and nerf, find the enemy's weakness, planning turns, etc. It was a godsend to have save states through the switch, just because I don't have a lot of time, and it still took me almost 4 months! I don't feel too goblinized by using save states, it just allowed me to experience the game on my own terms a bit. I did power through after dying a few times and was like, yeah I get it, I'll level up on the way back to the boss and it will be easier, rather than use save states and just perfect the boss fight.

I tried to load up some Titanfall 2 after to snap back to reality, and my eyes exploded and my brain fell out the back of my head. I'm not ready to come back. Also, the writing in Earthbound was so funny and classy, I would say it makes kids feel like adults and adults feel like kids (but also get all the jokes and references). Then just the intro to Titanfall 2 was so cringey and pandering by comparison. Ouch!

I have some interest in playing Final Fantasy Tactics , or Golden Sun next...
Maybe just pick a few games and that will do me until I'm 80 years old apparently.

@“rejj”#p84336 Shibuya Scramble is the greatest of times, go for that one imho.

@“treefroggy”#p84263 I feel like an easter egg like that might go right over my head. But if treefroggy were on the case??? (once Cali cools off again, of course.)

@“rejj”#p84336 428 Shibuya Scramble, no question. I love that dang game so, so much. Truly a GOAT in my eyes.

@“connrrr”#p84350 don‘t gas me up! haha.

I’ve been playing a little animal crossing and sonic on switch this week after dark.

but combined with the heat we now have heavy overcast in los angeles (and still very little rain)

so I am super low on solar power right now. I may be getting a third solar panel wednesday-ish.

after I have power, and the temp cools down, I will then have to hack my switch again. not sure when I‘ll feel motivated to do that though, because I have a lot of SEGA backlog busting to do in the midst of my current SEGA hyperfixation!

but yeah, when I get around to hacking my switch, I’ll get New Snap, but then there's also the challenge of finding a network I can chill and download on, since my mobile network is far form ideal for downloading files over 1GB.

anyone in LA with good wifi wanna let me come bum your bandwidth for a day? I have roughly 200GB of downloads on my list, haha.

Made a quick little showcase of the games I'm currently smoking. https://youtu.be/MUSdwWXbaQ0

is that the weird front mission stealth game? how is it?


@"yeso"#p84390 real bad, but still entertaining.

Who was it that was playing WL1-3? (Edit: it was the homie @“connrrr”#502 ) I just got to the warped void in WL3, very reminiscent of the secret final 99% complete stage of WL2. Feels like I’m nearing the end and have most of wario’s powers back, and Still like this one the least of the 4. But we’ll see what it still has left to offer. I do dig the forest of fear which has garlic clothes growing off of vines.

I 100%’d sonic pocket adventure this morning and began getting emeralds in sonic advance. I may not go through with it fully because at special stage 4 the difficulty ramps up and after grinding the sonic pocket adventure special stages, this is extra annoying to learn new timings and physics. Plus, now that im a master of classic sonic, I’ll admit I prefer genesis-shaped sonic to adventure tall boy, at least for theses 2D games. Also it was a weird choice to do away with the sick jump animation sonic had and replace it with the buzz saw style in sonic advance.

But I do still love sonic advance enough to maybe end up cheating for the emeralds and playing through the secret stages if I don’t get them fair and square eventually.

Edit: I beat WL3. The ending was very sweet and made it all worth it. Still gonna shoot for 100%, but this is the weakest of the quadrilogy IMHO. It’s the most Metroidvania-y, but at what cost? Wario is totally castrated of his powers and by the end you don’t even have them all back! Coins are totally useless and don’t even effect the ending, neither does your treasure tally, so this is the least true wario land game in my book, making it even weirder that this is the one that was most canonized musically as time went on. I guess that’s because it is the least offensive of them all. Hardly as much comic mischief and cartoon suggestive imagery as the other more raunchier games. Save perhaps the final boss who would appear to be the stuff of nightmares for any 10 year old.
[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/zpZdhaE.jpeg]
IMHO this games direction was a misstep which was totally absolved by WL4. It included fun ideas that seemed cool in the 90’s, but for example, this is not a game that needed (or even made much use of) a day night cycle. A lot of the interactions in the game didn’t make much sense, like using fire wario to defeat the giant fat frogs instead of the primary function which is to raise up when wario pounds the ground. Also, more than any of the other games in this quadrilogy, WL3 respects your time the least, tons of time penalties for everything, since losing coins doesn’t matter one bit anymore.

I looked it up, and there is only one ending. Getting all the treasure unlocks a fruitless time attack mode where the goal is to collect all 4 keys in the stage as quickly as possible. Getting all the music note coins unlocks stage 4 mini golf. No secret stage, secret endings, or tiered endings. That seals it, WL3 is the worst one! I need to know what happened with this one, haha. Seems like the work of a B-team. Feels like it was slapped together (phoned in) to fill a gap in the gameboy color’s library. Glad to have this one out of the way. It was tedious! Best part was the ending. I think it has its fans because even the worst wario land for gameboy is still a great game…


@“JoJoestar”#p84346 Shibuya Scramble is the greatest of times, go for that one imho


@“LeFish”#p84365 428 Shibuya Scramble, no question. I love that dang game so, so much. Truly a GOAT in my eyes.

With these two strong endorsements, it looks like 428 Shibuya Scramble is next on the list. Diving in soon! Perhaps after a quick soul/palette cleanser via a some sort of puzzle game or the like. I might just work my way through a few more stages in the various parts of Last Call BBS.

Sun’s out, Saturn’s out

[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/Ap7iDNC.jpeg]

@“treefroggy”#p84423 could it really be a case of phoning it in and not a lack of focus? Maybe they tried too many new things—that didn‘t work, sounds like—and that just took up the development cycle. I haven’t gotten any further in it yet, but I did like the extra frames of animation Wario gets!

@“connrrr”#p84458 Yeah, I forgot that the extra animation frames are cool sometimes, especially when he lands from a high spot. The game did have a ton of work put into it, all the enemies are changed after all. (even though I feel like they're not as well thought out). Like I said, some people may prefer this formula most of all. It does take a lot of work to determine the progression of this type of game.

@“rejj”#p84336 sounds like the decision is already made, but dang, Steins;Gate is a compelling experience. i hope you'll get to it at some point as well, because it would be cool to have some discussion about it around these parts.

Over the past month and a half I've been playing Final Fantasy VII again.

I played it once in 2010, and enjoyed it a lot, maybe [loved it](https://forums.insertcredit.com/d/1869-the-hyperbolic-take-chamber-a-discussion/12), but as my brain has undergone much development in the past twelve years, it felt in some ways like playing it for the first time. Beyond images and sounds, I didn't remember very much from after the party leaves Midgar.* I was happy to rediscover that, like my favorite FFs, it feels like an epic, a globe-trotting adventure, but one which is almost more interested in the intimate relationships between its little characters. The sense of scale/globe-trotting-ness I think is helped by the fact that you don't (have to) spend very much time in most story locations. ||Sector 7, Sector 5, Wall Market, the trains and junkyards in between, Shinra HQ||: all these fly by, relatively speaking (cf. Persona 5), but I think it was counterintuitively in each location's brevity, in being able to hold my memory of all of those places together that gave Midgar (and by extension the rest of the game) its sense of titanic breadth. That your characters are alternately taking up 50% to 20% to 2% of the pre-rendered, fixed angle screens does no small work in creating a sense of scale too.
*One thing I do remember from my first playthrough:


||Safer Sephiroth|| was a real headache. My party was on average pretty low-level (in the 40s), I didn't hunt down the strongest weapons and armor, and was poorly equipped for the fight. I must've started playing at a "reasonable hour," like 10:00pm, thinking I would finish the game by midnight (bedtime, I think it was a school night). I couldn't tell you how I fared against ||JENOVA Synthesis nor Rebirth Sephiroth||, but I specifically remember the final fight took upwards of 90 minutes. The clock was ticking, I'd been whaling on the boss nonstop (not literally nonstop, I kept needing to heal/resurrect, I don't know if I had learned Life2, and he kept using Supernova). A war of attrition, and it seemed like I was losing: Cloud and Vincent both dead, no phoenix downs left, no offensive items, Red XIII transformed into a frog. The minute hand approached midnight.


I pressed Attack, did 1 damage to Sephiroth, and… won. Of course I stayed up to watch the ending. (This time, I did not have any issue with that boss.)


My first time through I missed ||[the scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XQLymxjOydA) where Cloud gives Yuffie advice for dealing with air travel sickness, which I thought was very cute||.


And music! [Cid's theme](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZL9vVzhQytE)! [The Forgotten City](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kip26t-9ESo)! [That one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvHjypXKEsw&list=OLAK5uy_mvDV7aOFHvvOJRUGGoyxNBDIVb49Mbu1k&index=23)! Displace one note, and there would be diminishment. But give me more than one regular battle theme. Change that woodwind in the Wutai theme. Rufus's theme got a little old. plz n thx, lol

I've also been playing Dragon Quest V DS extremely slowly, at this point for just over a year. To reach for an analogy, my impression of DQV among JRPGs (or video games generally) is like my impression of Baroque or Classical period music among Western academic music: impressive in its precise engineering, and certainly inventive, beautiful at times, but to my taste restrictively mannered (I will finish it, though, because the ||generation jumping|| is extremely cool). How have I still not finished DQV, yet I took all of a month to play Final Fantasy VII? Compared to DQV, FFVII is a mess! Awkward movement around a space, bosses galore, highly flexible character building mechanics, optional dungeons, minigames here, minigames there, chocobo breeding! It felt like a shot of adrenaline. I've made my point already, but to complete my analogy FFVII feels like Romantic period music: shaking its fist at the world, indulgent of some silly diversions, bursting at the seams. Musical scholars wag their fingers at this comparison. What is Suikoden? What is Megami Tensei? I don't know, I didn't think this through.

Then I rewatched Advent Children (technically Advent Children Complete, which I'd never seen). I watched it too after playing the game a decade ago, and didn't really understand it on any emotional level; part of this may be up to the fact that I don't know how much I got out of the game's story in the first place, I read the words but didn't understand. Whatever the reason, this time I was able to see the connective tissue between the ideas in the game and the ideas in the movie (thinly plotted though the movie may be), and had a pretty good time with it. The music is pretty good, some of it incredible. I was surprised at what seemed to me a palpable sense of atmosphere about Midgar, which according to my bad memory the cuts were too quick to appreciate. Maybe it owes to Complete's extra scenes, or else it's down to my different frame of mind this time (more like different mind altogether), but the gray, hazy ruin felt like a really affecting place this time around. If I have any big problem with it, it's ||Sephiroth's return: I feel what makes him an interesting presence in the game is how distant he is, he's always one step ahead of you, any sense of personability gone (except in the flashback when he is actually himself and not a JENOVA sock puppet (or rather using JENOVA as a Sephiroth sock puppet), of course). When you do finally catch up with him, he's either warping around, encased in materia (or something) in a giant crater, or transformed completely, an abomination of what he once was. All pretty alien stuff. In Advent Children they do save him until the end, which is good, but when he shows up it's too corporeal somehow. He's not only person-shaped but also comes across like he's personally, spitefully interested in dueling with Cloud. I don't know how to explain it, something about it didn't feel right. It didn't feel like a battle with what Sephiroth eventaully became (+ JENOVA and everything that represents), more like settling the score with an old rival in a western or something.|| Still, I liked it, and much more than the first time.

Looking forward to Crisis Core.

Ugh, playing Splatoon 3, and okay fine, I admit, it‘s a well done game with a stunningly interesting aesthetic and a good, well-developed (and not DLC) single player campaign. This isn’t news, it was the same way with 2, except the single player was DLC. I think I will always stink at multiplayer no matter how much I play, but at least I‘ve unlocked the big paint roller so I can be off painting and minding my own business while other people fight it out elsewhere. I also think I’ll remain unconvinced about how much fun single player is since I'll always get thrown into a match with a bunch of other people who are all 1/4 my age and have 10x the time to play and as a result are all like level 9000.

I caught a macaw45 stream. He showed this ad from a late 80s issue of Login Magazine

[upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/vD7nmTDl.jpeg]

This group of hardcore accountants is wolf team lol. The guy in the middle with the shades and scarf is Akishino, the ego behind the temporary split from Telenet.

The ad worked on me, and I had myself a Wolf Team Weekend on the Genesis. I cleared Final Zone thanks to the grappling hook. The [music during the ending credits](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUVhj0UVar4) is great. Moved on to Granada which has some fun maze designs. The enemy AI ramps up throughout the game and is so twitchy and reactive in the later levels. Reminded me of the green enemies in Geometry Wars. You have to lead them into corners with your shots to trap them. The last game I tried was Devastator. It's one of their later games with full on cutscenes and voice acting. I get the feeling they had been wanting to geek out on the story for a while, and the Sega CD gave them the power to do it. It was the most polished of the three I played. I want to play more of it and Granada.


I realized I hated online play when I tried playing Mario Kart 8 online and everyone was Bowser except me and my wife. We got absolutely decimated, which was funny in its own way. But I was curious why everyone was Bowser and I guess the optimal build for the game is Bowser with specific tires and karts and so on.

And, I don't know, that's fine, but it seems like it ruins all the fun of a game like Mario Kart. Like, Iggy and Tanooki Peach aren't the best options if you're trying to win, but they're among the funniest ones!

Or maybe I'm just old.

@“edward”#p84547 yeah, I ran into this sort of thing back in Street Fighter… IV I think? I tried playing random online matches and ended up fighting nothing but Kens. I don‘t so much care about folks wanting to win, but it ends up being incredibly boring. There’s not so much of that (so far) in S3, but it‘s awfully early. I’ll take a day off of playing and by tomorrow it will be nothing but 13 year olds that are all level 20 million and me at level 4.

I kinda wish there were random rooms for folks who just like to play around and aren't so much concerned with winning. That's really all I'm looking for-- to just do something fun and not get shot 10000 times while I'm trying to slop paint around on things. We'll see! Like I said though, the aesthetic of the game is pretty remarkable, so there's at least that.

That‘s all I want. I don’t want to play preteens who have spent thousands of hours honing their skills. I want to play other adults who used to be good at games but kind of suck now.