Final Fantasy Tactics finished!
Loved it, easy top 3 FF for me! Ramza is my guy and was pleasantly surprised how complex Delita was especially ||his story being capped off with Ovelia stabbing him, his actions finally catching up with him in a deeply personal manner. Also the ending description of Orran's fate is harsh man, Ivalice is a terrifying place. Pretty amazing that, despite it all, the church still maintained so much power.|| I also just couldn't get enough of how the game looked. The ethereal battlefield stages are incredible, I wish I could noclip fly around in all of them and look at every little detail. And the little background areas like the Outfitters and Taverns just ooze with style and feel like real places. Amazing!! Also a joy to stumble upon side quests, you get more nice character stuff and they're where Ramza shows a nice amount of personality.
I think my main gripes are WOTL specific, though they're not too bad honestly. One is yes the translation is indeed a bit goofy and stupid sometimes. "I am come" is just one of the worst lines I've ever read and they loved it so much they used it 5+ times. There are more examples of stuff like that, mostly minor, but I did enjoy the majority of it. The other gripe is Cloud specifically, I really really really hate that kind of fan service. Dude had no place in the game, felt actively disappointed when I stumbled into his scenes. Balthier is at least of Ivalice and it's fun to think about his previous adventures here in FFT. Cloud though...pretty crappy.
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Humphrey: B-
He was my stalwart mage for most of the game, mostly as White and Time then I eventually settled on Black with White sub-abilities. I didn't find his offensive magic very useful after the halfway point and he mostly served as a heal guy or literally a target to help pull units away or towards my other guys. Had some clutch heals down the stretch though!
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Eleanor: B+
Eleanor bumped around to a few different jobs here and there, mostly sticking to archer, but as soon as I found a cool gun I made her a Chemist again which was the right decision. She could run around taking pot shots all over the place, doing really useful ~100 damage to most enemies while being able to throw items at people as the game cranks up the status effect enemies in the last quarter or so. Really useful unit!
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Averil: A
Averil was had her ups and downs but overall her utility and sheer number of abilities and jobs unlocked made her a rockstar. My first major goal for her was to make her a Monk, and she stayed that for a long time. She did A LOT of good here and was my #1 utility unit. Eventually I wanted to try something else and just tried tons of jobs with her where I settled on Geomancer for a long time. Strong unit but felt a bit too underpowered. All of the work I did on her made her a perfect candidate for Dark Knight though so I got her there and she just became a tank. Dark Knight skills are very powerful and I really benefitted from them down the last stretches. There is something about this job definitely feels a bit out of place. It's a little too much, reeks of new added content. So there was something a bit unsatisfying about playing the job which is why her rating is lower than the next two. That said my girl was with me from the beginning and I don't regret turning her into an absolute demon.
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Ramza: S
Ramza is so cool. At the end of the game I was just sprinting around everywhere with Auto-Haste and Dual Wield while using his shout ability. Absolute maniac. Fantastic protagonist and unit.
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Anthoinette: S+
My #1 girl, my straight up murder baby, the girl with the name I'm still not exactly sure how to pronounce, my ride or die. She was with me from the beginning as well and I just never let her leave the rotation. She found her perfect job in Ninja early on and that was it. She slices everything. She runs basically clear across entire maps. She single handedly finished missions for me while all my other units were in the dirt. Even when she couldn't quite reach the target unit for some of the end game what could? Her throwing some end game spear I had sitting in my inventory right into the face of some chump for the win. She is the God of Ivalice. I love her.