(Archived 2022) The thread in which we talk about games we are currently playing

i finished anodyne - good game, though i think i liked individual moments within it more than the game as a whole - and picked up psychonauts 2.

i played through the original _psychonauts_ through last year, and this feels.... basically like that but prettier and bigger. in many ways this is annoying. feels like double fine sort of looked at the places where point and click narrative structure didn't work with collectathon gameplay and said 'screw it, who cares.' it is totally nuts to me that they added _more_ collectibles to this one. the combat is just... not fun imo. and i wish the environments had more clarity about where you can and can't go, the point at which raz will ledge grab vs. falling to his doom, that kind of thing.

but oh man oh man the environmental design. the art direction. the voice acting and writing. that stuff is so good! i can't say that i enjoy the feel of the game that much but it's very compelling as a package, and so far that outweighs my irritation at the way the thing actually plays.


@“leah”#p88273 anodyne

I'm twitter friends with Melos Han Tani, one of the two makers of the game and definitely recommend checking out the rest of their stuff, because they've been getting better and better with each new game. Anodyne 2 and Sephonie are specially cool and hangout-y.

@“JoJoestar”#p88276 oh i love anodyne 2! that‘s what made me want to go back and play the first one. i have yet to try sephonie but it seems like it was made for specifically me, i’m really excited to get around to it

Was feeling like dogshit this evening so I bought IC GOTY 2021 F. I. S. T. and I have to say, once again you folks have not let me down— it’s exquisite. The combat and traversal feel weighty and consequential, so far at least the upgrades make sense, and best of all I got instantly hooked on the setting and characters. Highly recommended!

I should note that I’m extremely jaded on conventional metroidvanias, but I think because the systems and worldbuilding are so well fleshed out, this one somehow manages to feel fresh.

playing The Case of the Golden Idol and it rocks. Got stuck on the third puzzle and have to head to work so not real far yet. But it looks fantastic and I like the plot through-line as told by individual puzzles. It reminds me two all time great things: the book Masquerade and the game The Fool's Errand

hey @rejj you're a fool's errand fan iirc yes? You have to check this game out

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@“yeso”#p88377 hey @rejj you’re a fool’s errand fan iirc yes?

I sure am!
I will forever have the phrases `BAD YAM` and `NEW GNU` imprinted upon my memory.

I am immediately interested. That's two recent games you've brought up that I want to play; this, and Excavation of Hob's Barrow.

I'm just about ready to peel myself away from Vampire Survivors, which has been consuming _all_ of my gaming time lately. I sit down thinking that I really want to finish off the new Monkey Island, and end up loading Vampire Survivors for "just one run" instead -- and then it's all over for the night.

Current plan:

  • 1. Stop playing Vampire Survivors
  • 1. Finish Return to Monkey Island
  • 1. Juggle playing FFXIII, 428 Shibuya Scramble, Hob's Barrow, and now this -- depending on my mood at the time.
  • 1. Consider _maybe_ looking at MH: Rise: Sunbreak?
  • (I'm doomed at the end of the month when inevitably I'll want to add Bayonetta 3 to the list)

    Been in kind of a gaming rut outside of FFXIV. Have tried playing a pretty big variety of stuff but nothing is sticking. I just feel like I'm not in too much of a game playing mood. I pulled out my Vita for the first time in quite a while to see if there was anything on there I could get into and a couple things have hit!

    Earth Defense Force 2017: I've never played one of these and yeah there's a bizarre charm to this sorta Unity default project looking game where dudes scream the same five lines while you slowly run around a map to where bugs are aimlessly wandering. It's fun! I'm only playing a couple missions at a time and I'm finding it to be a great 15 minute play.

    The House in Fata Morgana: Heard about this one for years, got it on Switch when that came out, but the Switch is mad uncomfortable to hold for long periods of reading and I totally forgot it had a Vita version! I played a bunch of VNs on the Vita so it just feels right on here. Game itself seems cool as hell, the music is juuust discordant enough to feel startling while still being melodic. Some of the English translated VNs I've read are kinda...boring, stilted, bloated etc. Just not really good reading experiences. This one has been pretty rad so far though, I really like just reading it from sentence to sentence. Really good October game, can't wait to dig in deeper.

    @“yeso”#p88377 @“rejj”#p88379

    [upl-image-preview url=https://i.imgur.com/codZefO.png]

    I've only just finished the one you were up to, and now I too must stop for a while. I may already be hooked, though – thanks for the recommendation.

    yeah I think I‘m going to run through it quick (smartness permitting), it’s pretty compelling

    Currently not playing a specific game, but I‘ve been on a binge of “playing” a wide variety of games in which I don’t have to actually play them and can instead just watch them play themselves.

    At the moment, been watching some Madden NFL on the N64, and not gonna lie, its actually interesting, despite me not being a sports person at all.

    Was playing Judgement for the third time and once again it's not clicking with me, despite liking most Yakuza games, for some inexplicable reason. I need to start listening to my gut before spending ~10 hours more than once!

    I started a Chrono Trigger game earlier this month and got Persona 5 Strikers, so either may be next.

    I just got up to Chapter 3 in The Case of the Golden Idol, and had a quick peek at scene VII. Oh dear:

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    TBH I process of eliminationed my way through that one. I still don‘t quite get it. That’s the only puzzle I couldn't eventually think through

    I finished it yesterday - highly recommended esp for a morning coffee kind of experience

    playing Card Shark it's good. A narrative game about cheating at cards in 18th century France. It looks good in screenshots but significantly better in motion: some nice animation

    my only quasi-gripe so far is it's frontloaded with tutorials for particular inputs and mechanics in parallel with conceptual strategies for cheating at cards, so it can be a lot to take in at once (at least for me) - but a fraction of the way into the game and I can sense it all gelling so not too worried

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    @“yeso”#p88639 </s><e>

    oh man this looks great

    Thanks to @mindleftbody I'm finally playing Super Mario RPG for the first time in a ridiculously long time and I love it so so so much. Also, very fun to play it with my 3 year old, whose mind was blown by Bowser joining our party.

    While I was stuck in an airport a few days ago for 10 hours, I played Citizen Sleeper. Must say, this game is not perfect but its approach to narrative is great. I've never played a game that is primarily just text with choices made here and there, but I like it quite a bit. The unfolding narratives that flow by allow for a sort of choose your own adventure kind of narrative and I'm pretty satisfied with the story I ended up with. It's the kind of game that would be interesting to replay, but I feel satisfied enough that I doubt I'll ever play this again.

    @“edward”#p88678 I rather enjoyed my time with Citizen Sleeper, and similarly I feel no compulsion to see any other options other than the path I took through the story.

    I _will_ however load up the free bonus chapters that are being released. The first is out and the second is due soon I think.


    Ah, sort of forgot about the bonus chapter because, for me, ot was just hanging out there ready to be played. Really like the way that storyline has developed. Definitely going to come back for the other bonus chapters.


    @“edward”#p88678 I’ve never played a game that is primarily just text with choices made here and there

    take a look at _King of Dragon Pass_ and _80 Days_ if you're not already familiar

    the game i am playing now is the centennial case: a shijima story!


    i have taken zero of my own screenshots of this game because i am so engrossed in it while playing. it's great. if you've enjoyed 428 shibuya scramble, phoenix wright, or contradiction! spot the liar, you absolutely owe it to yourself to play this game.

    the game uses one of my favorite techniques in live-action cinema, which is using the same actors to play different characters across different time periods. there's this one dude who plays a few side characters, like the owner of a nightclub in chapter 3, and he just devours every scene he's in.

    the plot focuses on an aristocratic family who has historically been interested in immortality, and a series of possibly connected murders that have taken place throughout the 20th century. it's delightfully ambiguous as to whether immortality actually exists in the world so far. the mysteries are fun to solve and the game strikes a great balance between the inherent campiness of FMV video games and telling an actually compelling story.