I’m taking the mention of TTRPGs on the show today as my cue to finally make a TTRPG thread.
Who plays 'em? Whatcha been playing? Any fun role-play stories? Do you like playing a character or GMing more (or do you prefer GMless games)?
As for me, I’ve been playing TTRPGs actively since 2017. I dabbled a bit in DnD before that, but I didn’t get into ttrpgs until I learned about less systems-heavy games.
I have played a lot of Powered By The Apocalypse games, and probably will again in the future. Started with The Sprawl, which was the first campaign I DMed to its end. I’ve done a bit of Dungeon World, The Veil, Interstitial, and Masks as well. Weirdly, never played Apocalypse World. The PBTA system just works so well, I feel. The “failure, partial success, full success” system is wonderful and I try to keep the “fail forward” philosophy at heart no matter what I’m GMing.
I’ve also played a few Forged in the Dark games, mostly just Blades in The Dark. Extremely cool system that I would like to revisit with a bigger group. My group is on the smaller side, and we bumped into some friction with it. Mostly worked out great though.
The coolest ttrpg I’ve played, though not necessarily my favorite, is Troika!. I’ve never had quite the experience I did trying to GM Troika!. One of my players could understand how any item worked by eating it. Weird, original classes abound in that game. “Befouler of Ponds” might be my favorite.
Currently, I’m playing a campaign of Extracausal which is an interesting sort of system where everyone can be the DM and a player at the same time. In practice, that’s extremely hard to work with and we’re having trouble hitting a stride. We’ve recently switched to a more solid DM role that still has room for fluidity and that’s working well for us. So far, my biggest lesson from playing Extracausal is that it’s very easy to propose out-there X-Files style ideas, but actually playing them out is pretty difficult.
I think I’ve rambled enough to justify this as a thread. I want to hear from everybody else. What’s your ttrpg experience?