@“Bbtone”#p129893 how did I miss this
It is a CAPTCHA, but I feel in it being a bot presenting me A.I. generated images to categorize that it runs adjacent to the morbid chuckle we are all having here.
@“HyggeState”#p136606 it‘s either a trick question or the AI itself doesn’t understand that animals arch their backs to make themselves appear larger to defend themselves.
i‘ve seen a couple of these today. the profiles look almost like real people but for some reason they’re in my feed advertising pizza
@“rootfifthoctave”#p156176 I’ve ever ate delicious pizza.
@“Tradegood”#p156440 I yelled this is so funny
@“Tradegood”#p156440 absolutely not
“This woll be mine aventure,” said Sir Balin.
Clicking on it puts me into a browser game. No other clicks, no pitch. Just game tutorial / cookie permissions.
Then it literally plays itself with occasional dialogue boxes for me, like a latter-day Progress Quest. After a few battles, the game tells me to use my ultimate ability and gives me no choice but to click it. This feels like the Star Trek The Next Generation episode The Game, where just going along with the game gives the biggest hits of dopamine.
And the dopamine shot.
Three stars! For doing _nothing_. And all that loot, including two women as loot! I then get to read about Artemis. This is her backstory:
... by the way, a level of autoplay later, I get a bonus. The bonus is this high-IQ puzzle:
I've stopped now.
Alright, I picked another ad. I'm not over 60, but I decided to take this journey for those of you who are.
The title when I click through gives a bit more context: the one thing _isn't protein_.
Also, even though the image shows an also-muscular woman, the article is labeled "men's health." So the ad shreds inclusivity, in addition to musculature.
The ad makes a lot of big promises, but it withholds the method unless we click a video.
Finally it reveals the video, and - oh gosh darnit, it's that effin' spoon trick that YouTube sometimes targets me with. Also, this does _not_ look like a 60+ year old's arm, and I don't mean that in the "wow, that old dude's muscles look really youthful" kind of way. Also, that isn't an embedded video; that's a link to another site.
The video starts out with a pitch that includes the phrase, "How did this dad bod go to Greek god?" And I want to say, "Dude, have you seen the dad bod on some of the Greek gods?"
Oh no, it's a 30 minute infomercial. So I click through very quickly, and - yep - it's muscle powder. So what they're selling isn't "instead of protein" but, at best, alongside protein and all the things they swore people wouldn't have to do in the article. Finally, leading questions are fun:
I keep forgetting I signed up for the Monk Mindset newsletter that @“MoH”#1454 linked in the wage slog thread a couple months ago. So far the newsletters have been pretty tame.
I was expecting a cursed chimera of monk quotes and venture capitalist-speak. Instead I got straightforward advice from a variety of Trappist Monks. #MonkMindset
@“TaliesinMerlin”#p157633 Alright, I picked another ad. I’m not over 60, but I decided to take this journey for those of you who are.
for a second i thought they photoshopped ray wise's face on some buff body
curious if this so-called monk mindset involves praying at any point