Just updated the Switch Online SNES application and discovered they added some new games. This, for god knows what reason, provoked me to utter aloud the phrase, “I wonder if there is also new Nintendo Entertainment System software available”
reluctant to go back to Persona 3…
i played a mobile game ad for a solid two minutes because the sounds were satisfying. it kept pushing me to the play store page but i kept backing out to pick up more stacks of one thing to make new stacks of another thing. i did not install the game.
i am 27 days behind the thread right now. on 9/30 i went into tartarus to try and make a bunch of money… and those kids are still in there picking up jewels and knick knacks to sell for a small fortune.
i am many days behind and the precise number is so shameful that not even this confessional will hear it
I got four months ahead and am now only one month ahead because I haven’t played for three months.
when i was a little over two weeks behind at one point, i thought to myself “it’s been seven hours and 15 days / since i put persona away”
what i’m saying is a little sinead could be a lotta incentive
I was about to rent super castlevania 4 and, upon seeing bubsy, returned it and took the goddarned accolade game home.
That wasn’t the most fun weekend I had in 94.
My true gaming confession is that I used to trade games in to Gamestop a lot. Like way more than you would think. We just didn’t have much money and I had no way of attaining new video games. There are a number of games I really regret trading, but the one that haunts me is Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. Not only do I love that game, it’s going to be worth like $1,000 within the next 10 years
if it helps, i was one of the first people to throw my hat in the ring……and i never even bought the damn game
I don’t really get discord. I use it for my one multiplayer gaming session with two friends on sunday evenings and I got an account in the first place to join my FF14 FCs server. But aside from that I have yet to engage with a discord server in a meaningful way.
From what I could observe there are a couple of types of servers:
- Unmoderated hellscapes
- Virtual ghost towns
- The largest party I’ve ever been to but everybody already knows each other and is talking in small groups behind closed doors of this 10.000 room mansion
- Fives guys telling the same in-jokes to themselves in 25 channels that should really be one channel (This is what my FCs discord is, slowly drifting into 2. territory)
- Some youtuber trying to sell you stuff
Entering a discord server and trying to engage feels to me like going to a bar, standing in the middle of the room and saying something to nobody in particular while a drunk guy walking past you looks at you, says …okay and continues on his way to the toilet.
But that’s probably just me.
accurate. hate that place.
It’s most definitely not just you. I feel the exact same way! The giant party analogue you mentioned is a very good way of describing it. The nature of discord threads moving so fast also seems to encourage saying stuff without thinking too hard about it, which maybe is fine for some people, but it couldn’t be me.
I can’t for the life of me understand how to navigate discord.
I am in a Discord server with seven friends I know in real life, and I would recommend it primarily on that basis. That was my introduction to the platform.
Incredible to discover that not only do some people use Discord for groups of hundreds of people, but that it’s (apparently?) the more common practice! I don’t get it.
#forumsforever #forums #forever
genuine question: if that’s relatively small a group, why not just have a group chat instead? is it because discord is platform agnostic?
in my experience, for small groups, discord works well because you can split the discussion up into multiple channels (so the main chat doesn’t get clogged with unrelated or sidetracking chatter), and also have voice chat/video calls in the same place.
i guess, by letting you make multiple channels, it’s sort of halfway between a forum and a groupchat (though discord also lets you make a weird sort of forum, now).
also, profile customization (profile picture, your profile description, pronouns, and custom roles from server to server) can be fun and useful.
Yeah like NoJoTo says, it’s like the forum here in microcosm: if I had to post about books and movies and anime and what I’m listening to this evening etc. etc. all in the same thread it would become overwhelming. The group used to have a Facebook group message together and moved to Discord specifically because it took the pressure off constant participation in one single conversation
Knowing I’m not alone in this makes me feel less weird. Thank you all for chiming in!
I agree that it’s totally alright for small friend groups. I don’t mind using it on those sunday evening gaming sessions. Works reliably and doesn’t get in the way.
The problem with bigger servers to me is, that the focus on more rapid fire and less purposeful discussions and the fact that it is really hard to follow as soon as there are more than a handful of people.
In a forum things are organized in threads and people tend to stick to the topic for the most part. Which especially makes going in there as a new forum member relatively easy. There’s a thread for sharing photos? Go in there and share a photo! There’s a thread for discussing what games you’re playing? Share what you’re playing! Then just leave it be and look later what people responded.
Discord and chat servers in general also focus highly on synchronous communication and make more asynchronous and more deliberate discussion really difficult because they get buried so quickly which is just not ideal for how I like to engage with a community. In most servers there’s just way too much noise and way too little signal for me.
Time zones also are much less of a concern on a forum. I just post in the evening in my time zone and the next morning I can see what all of you have answered during your days. On a discord server my messages would get buried more or less instantly and finding responses would be burdensome.
I guess discord implemented a sort of half-baked forum feature but it often doesn’t get used that much.
I just feel like the newcomer experience in a community is much worse on a discord server than on a forum I guess. Makes me feel forced to engage in small talk with people or just add short remarks into other people’s discussions which just feels weird.
I think I feel the way about group chats many people here seem to feel about discord. If people in a group chat have iPhones and androids, then MMS doesn’t play nice, and it’s impossible to leave a group - people have to make a new one without the excluded person and remember to stop using the old one. A solution is to use signal or whatsapp but neither are very good and can be just as finicky as discord.
I find discord pretty intuitive to navigate. I do relate to the above party metaphor, though. It’s beyond me how people manage to make friends with people they’ve never met IRL in some huge discord server.
I’ve never made a friend from discord, but is it that much different than making a friend from a forum? For those of us who experienced that culture, did you not ever just send someone a message because you decided you wanted to be their friend? Oftentimes it would work.
On-topic then: my confession is that a high school aged girl once tried to befriend me over discord and became angry with me when I told her that I didn’t think it was appropriate for us to be talking to each other. I don’t know why I still feel bad about upsetting her, but I do