Prediction: Martinet‘s cameo is going to be some sort of thing where Chris Pratt’s Mario is going to get bonked on the head or hit with a neurotoxin dart or eat a fuzzy, then Martinet will babble something about ravioli along with cartoon chick cheeps or slide whistle sounds, then he'll do the cartoon dog shaking mouth wobble sound, and then Chris Pratt Mario will go Chris Pratt Mario Voice: huh?
@“Moon”#p87592 To be fair French dub everything is typically excellent! This is coming in France (March 29) ahead of the US (April 7) and Japan (April 28) too, for some reason.
@“exodus”#p87611 Aïe, being King of France has historically been a cutthroat job position… Most of the animation for the movie is done in Paris (at MacGuff) by the way. Although I guess, in this specific case, it was mostly done remotely from everyone’s home.