In hindsight I feel like Blood Will Tell/Dororo would've fit right in with this list.
@exodus If a Saturn episode isn't in the cards I'd still love to know your personal list! I'm a big JPN Saturn guy with no community so it would be fun to compare notes.
@Lesmocon Would love to hear why Beatdown is on there. I own a copy and even worked at Capcom for five years and still don't know much about it. It looks kind of like Urban Reign which was secretly awesome?!
I think we talked about dororo for a minute - I also feel like it's quite a Ps2 game, in part because it has such potential to be bold and unique and just totally flubs that aspect, heh. But I enjoyed it!
As for a JP Saturn list, maybe I'll do that in a separate thread!
Meant to post this in this thread (rather than the list one), but y’all are taste makers according to the recommendations of archival websites. I thought it was pretty funny.
@Lacquerware#2085 when I was thinking of games that define the PS2 I couldn't help but think about Final Fight: Streetwise, Beatdown and Urban Reign that all came out in the same year (along with the first Yakzua) and are 3D pseudo role playing street-themed brawlers. Urban Reign is the one I know the least about, Streetwise is interesting but kinda sucks and has all these horrifically dated edgy aesthetic choices, whereas Beatdown is a Cavia game with bizarre interrogation mechanics and character customisation so it felt like the best representation of the 3. I want to get all 3 of them at some point and plow through em lol
@Lesmocon#2151 Ah yeah, I think those were all Japan attempting to bottle some of that GTA lightning but not really understanding why people liked GTA. Urban Reign is legit good though. Essentially an arena brawler with tons of moves and a Tekken-like poppy-fireworky feel to the impacts.
Hmmm, I forgot about beatdown, I should take a look at that. When it comes to best representing the PS2 though, one has to mention The Bouncer, with all its Emotion Engine blurring! How does it play? I will admit I never once put the disc in. Maybe that's a task for tonight.
I have been playing R-Type Final, and it's great and thank you. Not sure that it will unseat Einhander as my favorite SHMUP, but this has a similar vibe to it.
Just listened to this episode earlier in the week, and now I want to track down everything on the list I don‘t already have. Raw Danger, Chulip and Bujingai being at the top of the current list. Out Run 2006, God Hand and Katamari, while not surprising are very welcome on there. I still haven’t finished Nocturne! I stopped about 60% of the way through because the difficulty was burning me out but I want to go back.
Love these lists from you guys, great way to discover new things!