Ep. 215 - The Dirtbag of Podcasts

I sure do like Bela Tarr and Battletoads.

OG Battletoads is real good but kinda long for what it is, maybe Battletoads is the Satantango of video games.

For anyone unfamiliar don’t start with either of those, instead

watch The Turin Horse


play Battletoads in Battlemaniacs


Battletoads is great if you just put the game down and consider it beaten after the turbo tunnel. You did it you beat a really hard level and won the game! Don't worry about the rest of it!

There‘s a Shake Shack in my town and it doesn’t really look all that different from any of the other fast food places nearby. I was interested to hear Tim explain its design aesthetic mimicking somewhere that appeared a lot older than it is because that's not the impression that I get of it, though that might be because my local one is in an upmarket city centre shopping centre.

I've never eaten there, and my lasting memory of my local one is that they're one of a very few retailers to translate into Welsh what they offer front and centre on their storefront, which is kinda cool. Though I'll never get out of my head seeing "burgers" translated as "byrgyrs".

@“LeFish”#p51903 A Shake Shack just opened “near” me in the west suburbs of Portland. I drove by when I was getting a COVID shot and noticed the very long line. Being in the mood for a fast food burger and fries, I went across the street to Five Guys which had no line.

Surprise! Bonus Credit for this week right on the main feed! https://insertcredit.com/show/215-bonus/

To make up for an abbreviated episode this week, Alex Jaffe, Tim Rogers and Brandon Sheffield have some good ol’ fashion chit chat about kids these days, Marvel movies, language, last minute Christmas gifts, requests to Wishlist Hyper Gunsport Now On Steam, Ys games, The Game Awards, the soundtrack of the Nier remake, the Insert Credit Awards, NFTs, TV recommendations, and much more.

Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Tim Rogers and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn. Original music by Kurt Feldman.

@“esper”#p51925 So the podcast team hears it, I enjoyed the mellow mood and the hangout times of this bonus episode. This was fun.

Happy New Year, Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Solstice and whatever you celebrate this time of year to all of you in the IC forum community. I very much enjoy my time here.

Glad to have you all as well! When we started this forum back up I wasn‘t sure anyone would come - and now here we all are, hanging out, feeling a little more connected to other human beings, and regularly engaging with a slower paced, deeper-reading corner of the internet. It’s nice! I really hoped it would work, but I didn't imagine it would work this well for so many people.

@“exodus”#p51930 I had some real good, hangout times with the bonus segment. My job is extremely quiet / mundane this week as it is every Christmas, and this was a lovely surprise to listen to in the background.

The forum has been a real haven to hang out in this year. I'm immunocompromised and have hardly been able to see any of my friends in person this year and the forum has been, not exactly a perfect substitute for my actual friends, but a superb outlet to hang out and honk around talking about weird, dumb games with like-minded folks.

Nb: I would love to hear you and Tim gush about the Ys series at some point. I really hoped Tim would talk more about his purchases and which ones he's playing, partly as I've played Origins for the nth time recently to warm up before Monstrum Nox.

I have never eaten in one but I have peed in a Shake Shack in San Diego and their restrooms sure are cleaner than In-n-Out's

So if Killzone does something better than Halo, that something would be the fast food restrooms of Halo killers


What is the using a shaving brush and shaving soap instead of a electric razor or disposable razor with canned shaving cream of video games?

i used to use a straight razor and that whole deal to shave. i no longer do because _any_ sort of close shave gives me razor burn on my neck. so my interpretation of the question is, "what's a fine artisan's tool that actually does of worse job, of videogames?"

i don't know about that, but i one time completed NiGHTS using a keyboard. had it been a Das Keyboard model S, maybe that would fit, but it was a laptop keyboard of some unremarkable kind.

i say, with the caveat that i'm ignorant to it, the modern pinball scene is the shaving brush/soap/cup/strop/razor/mustache wax of videogames.

_edit_ i completed NiGHTS with all A's

to all my misophonia-suffering friends; Jaffe does some crunchy munching while tim is talking about Jack Reacher. skip from 43:50 to 44:50 to avoid that, for the time being. it happens again from 50:00 to 51:00, so skip that too.

i’m gonna fix that mp3 tonight, sorry for the issues.

**UPDATE**: audio file is now fixed. refresh your podcast app, or you can always check out [insertcredit.com](https://insertcredit.com)! sincere thank you to everyone who pointed it out, I never wanna leave in something that's gonna make the show inaccessible to anyone.

Oh, the episode was shorter? I thought I was just having lots of fun listening to it

Both the episodes this week have been absolutely delightful. I would happily listen to more eps of the gang (or whoever is available) talkin' nonsense for an hour or two. So relaxing.

Also, when Tim and Brandon are talking about how Nathan For You and How To With John Wilson _might_ be similar or appeal to fans of one or the other, whilst sitting there knowing that Nathan Fielder, the titular Nathan of Nathan For You produces How To With John Wilson and not being able to say anything might have been the most intense example of podcast listener dissonance I've experienced in years.

One other thing that caught my attention was @Jaffe referring to disengaging with the MCU almost in a “getting clean off drugs” way. I‘ll be the first to say that I do not like the MCU and its rabid fanbase, and I’ve long held the feeling that the way people engage with the MCU is not unlike how users of harder drugs engage with them. There‘s a real sense of "if you don’t watch the MCU then there‘s something wrong with you“ that I get even from people that would not otherwise engage with any other pop/nerd culture. Side note, I frequently get ”but you like videogames, I would have thought you’d like Marvel too" comments from colleagues, and it‘s a little tiring to not totally shit on people’s fandom when you work with them.

Lately I've been seeing this more and more, I feel every year that I read some MCU film has broken some sort of record, and when the latest Avengers film came out anyone that I knew that had an interest would not relent talking about it with more unhinged enthusiasm than when I was planning my first trip to Japan. It's really quite something when any MCU release kerb-stomps anything else released in its vicinity. That's another topic for another day but it's indicative of how much people almost need the films for a dopamine hit. The TV shows seem to be a way of giving people smaller hits whilst stringing them along until the next big release.

I would really like to think that it's all just flavour of the week but I suppose when it's been like that for coming up to two decades then perhaps I need to rethink that stance. On another side note, perhaps I'm a bit more disproportionately attentive of this as I see every other dating profile page mention an obsession with, or "I geek out with" the MCU, and more often than not I just want to scream at them to maybe watch one other film.

I realise that this is perhaps deeply incoherent but I've just woken up from a dreadful night of sleep.

No offence to any MCU fans on the forum either, of course.

@“LeFish”#p51973 A lot of what you‘ve said here rings true to me as well, and when I was listening to the podcast, I felt something like a wave of relief when I realized that I hadn’t engaged with MCU stuff since the first Guardians of the Galaxy movie. The hard drugs analogy is a good one.

Speaking as a huge fan of the NBA, and someone who doesn't really watch any TV shows or movies, I liken MCU fandom to being a fan of a professional sports league. There's always more content coming down the pipeline, everyone has their favourite personalities, and fans love debating about critical moments and how long they've been a fan, or how hardcore of a fan they are.

It seems unfair to compare MCU movies or shows to any other movies or shows, because they're designed to be consumed in a different way. If the sports league analogy doesn't work, then maybe pro wrestling is a better fit?

Also really enjoyed the hang-out-y bonus episode!

I’ve subjected myself to two of the Marvel tv series, and that’s probably where it will stand for the foreseeable future. Wandavision bears absolutely no discussion imho…Loki, on the other hand, was enjoyable until the wheels fell _all the way_ off in the last episode or two (or, as I like to call it, the “Mandalorian effect”). I’ve since cancelled Disney+ (for now), but might cautiously dip back in at some point. I appreciate where Tim was coming from re: keeping up with the massively interconnected MCU, but I think on the balance I can handle missing a few references or mentally filling in the gaps if/when I see the next big movie (they can go ahead and make a big ol’ fool of me in the comfort of my home…I’ll get over it ;)).

I had a similar reaction to Mob Psycho. I only made it a few episodes in, but I recall almost no reaction to it. The premise and animation seemed compelling enough, but to the best of my recollection the characters were either unlikeable or essentially inert. I think I might have fallen asleep during one episode, but chances are that was more of a me problem. I would consider giving it another chance if a compelling argument was made, but there’s so much else out there (just about to start Trigun—thanks for the recommendation @"esper"#11 !).

Oh also, thanks for addressing the elephantine mouth-crunches in the room esper…for such a misophonia-aware podcast I _legitimately_ thought this was some kind of bit! I think, as penance, @"Jaffe"#205 should tell us exactly what variety of chip was being consumed and furnish us with a brief snack review.

edit: also, I found _John Wilson_ to be fantastic and I completely agree with how he was characterized on the episode. He seems like a pretty genuine weirdo—I would recommend this short [CBS Sunday Morning interview](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7zwY0dXUKEc) to learn a little more about him. The NYC stuff does resonate with me, but I think that’s actually a pretty minor component of my enjoyment. What really gets me are the absurd rabbit holes he seems to fall down while somehow making it seem both supremely awkward and completely effortless. I’ve only seen clips from _Nathan for You_, but I think Tim might have sold me on trying to watch it in earnest.

everything mcu I‘ve seen has been pretty bad. Weirds me out many talented filmmakers get involved, or maybe reveals who is a hack at heart. I guess I don’t feel too bad about stepping on anyone‘s feelings at his point because it’s not a comic geek subculture anymore, it‘s the dominant cultural hegemon of baby brain corporate money making. If I was a superhero comic fan I think I’d be completely disgusted.

And the movies themselves are real boring. They look like shit and the acting is just total anti-charisma. You got all those ultra-obnoxious contemporary english actors, the chris prat guy who's just a complete nothing. Everyone looks like a 5'7" 42 year old running around in a halloween costume (n o offense to average heighted individuals) because that's what they are. I really don't get the occasional defenses you'll see of mcu and comic book films, just more poptimism which I thought was dead.....

Listening to Tim bash MCU is music to my ears. You're doing the good work.

Similar to Brandon's experience with Mob Psycho I recently got into My Hero Academia and I like it quite a bit. Then I see the overexaggerated villainous villains who have no nuance whatsoever but I shrug my shoulders and roll with it cause the rest is pretty entertaining. One could say you could do this with MCU but I find the majority of it offensive to my senses.