When the Insert Credit Panel chose Final Fantasy XVI as their Game of the Year 2023, the game industry couldn’t help but rise up and wholeheartedly, sincerely agree. Hosted by Alex Jaffe, with Frank Cifaldi, Tim Rogers, and Brandon Sheffield. Edited by Esper Quinn, original music by Kurt Feldman.
I would never say Mighty No. 9 is “actually good” or “underrated” or “a 7/10” (at its best it’s a 4) but I had fun with it lol.
If you ever see it on sale for one dollar and you feel like coming to grips with one of the worst, most overdesigned, unintuitive core mechanics in any videogame this side of a discarded Unity project, give it a try!! It‘s an odd sensation mastering a game that raw. It feels personal. It feels like archaeology. Kind of like listening to a full album by Hoobastank or 3 Doors Down. Makes you wonder how many people on earth have had that experience.
@“◉◉maru”#p155895 I haven’t played FF16 yet beyond 5 minutes of the very graphically impressive demo (because I’m kind of through with the whole “character action” genre, and because another Square Enix game with a narrative trying to evoke Yasumi Matsuno without employing Yasumi Matsuno offends me) so I have no clue whether to read this as “Gears of War is game of the year and I’m serious” or “Kingdom Hearts III is game of the year lol”
Either way I feel like at this point, in March 2024, I’m better off getting my glittery PS5 Final Fantasy fix from the one that just came out that lets you play Super Triple Triad
Gita is the best, the perfect capstone for that segment
One of these days (years?) I'm gonna finally get all my thoughts in order about corridor simulators and the differing receptions of XIII, VII-R, and XVI, but at the very least I've got to finish Rebirth first (which is incredible so far)...
I played all the way through Final Fantasy XVI and I think the game would basically be uncontroversial if they didn't put so many of the side quests at the end. I had a great time with the game and only wanted to gouge my eyes out when there were like 80 of them out of nowhere and they seemed to somehow be breeding with each other and propagating.
Final Fantasy XVI is a video game that some have called the best video game of the year. Some may say this. Many say this. Some of those people. So, anyway, Final Fantasy XVI is a video game. It has many features, such as being a game that is played in a video manner. That‘s one of the things about Final Fantasy XVI. Some call this game the best game of the year 2023. Some call it that. That’s something that many people have said. Many people say this. That Final Fantasy XVI is a video game. That you use a controller to control the characters on the screen. And they have attributes such as health and mana. And these are all things that are part of the Final Fantasy XVI experience. Some say that this game is the best game of 2023. Some have said this. Many have said this. Some of those people, saying this. So, “Final Fantasy XVI is the best game of the year” is something that people have said. And it is a video game. It‘s a video game. It’s a game that you play on your television or computer. Which makes it a video game. And there‘s many things about it. Including Chocobos. And dragons. And magic. Some of those things, those are some of the things that are in Final Fantasy XVI, which many have said some have said is the best game of the year. Many people are saying this. Some of those people. So, Final Fantasy XVI is the game? The best game of the year? Some say this. Many say this. Would I say this? It is a video game. It’s a video game in which you do magic. And you can ride a Chocobo. Which are two of the most important parts of being a video game. So, I would say, that it is the most video game of the video game year 2023. Has that year occurred. It occurred in the past. Is it the game of the year? Some may say this.