Ep. 366 - Xboxen

Once again, Ash is the hero of this episode for me. That “go humiliate Drake” recommendation made me pause on my walk, shout YEAH, and pump both fists in the air.


I don’t think so, I was taking “any game” pretty liberally.

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I tried to find this post of yours right when we were changing over to Discourse, and no amount of spelling variations on “Air Bud” could find it for me, and then I tried to find it again now in order to repost my joke answer to the question here on the podcast. Thank you.


Esper, I genuinely love the work you do on the show, however I suspect you grossly underestimate the tolerances of average listeners to Horrible Buzzer volume.

Crank it!


I listen in the car mostly, and I couldn’t even hear the buzzer in a couple of recent episodes, which is a shame, since I want to experience all these user-submitted buzzers.


A new Buzzer-Cranked edition of this episode is available on Patreon.com/insertcredit


Just started the SICK FREAK MIX, and this is the perfect volume. Thanks @esper !


Not sure I’m going to re-listen, but if the sick freak mix goes live at the same time as the new episode in future, I will definitely choose that.


Great show as always, had a lot of fun listening to this one, especially quiet buzzer so no beverages were spilt.

I think it’s actually getting Alanis Morrisette in this list was the biggest accident of them all.


Isn’t it ironic?




Earlier Tonight I watched The People’s Joker (very good, highly recommended) with some internet associates. After the end we had a brief conversation that touched on topics that included (Jodorowsky’s) Dune.

Then after that, I finished off the very end of this episode of The Insert Credit Podcast where Brandon Sheffield recommends Untitled Louise Weard Castration Movie and particularly its “Dune Scene”. I promptly watched the trailer, and also the “Dune Scene” in question. And found that it starred Vera Drew, the titular People’s Joker herself.

Anyway, the net result of this is that I have now spent 30 Canadian Dollars at the Louise Weard Gumroad store to purchase a downloadable copy of Untitled Louise Weard Castration Movie.


Sick freak checking in. Where are our other sick freaks???


Every freakin night and every freakin day.


I apologize if this was mentioned on the pod and I missed it, but wouldn’t the Air Bud of video games be that dog who participates in GDQ


I’m loving this ongoing buzzer meta.

4: What class should be added in the next Dragon Quest 3 remake?

A DQ take on Pictomancer or Cartographer sounded interesting! Now that we have 3D cameras that you can rotate whenever, maybe you gain different effects based on the types of terrain in the background vista at battle start. You’re about to walk into a fight, but you point the camera away so it captures mountain (+rock spell stacks), river (+speed), and a town (+gold drops).

As for a lawyer or bureaucratic class, I must mention Anarchy Online. A dystopian future 3D MMO by Funcom that was post Everquest but pre WoW. They had many combat professions, but also Bureaucrat.

Their armors were all mostly black suits. Its the only class that can use the Briefcase of Holding for inventory and accessing money without needing to find an ATM, the spell list has all the greats like Pink Slip, Workplace Depression (status effect), Lesser Blizzard of Red Tape (slows movement), Last Minute Negotations (stops enemy from aggroing), and Mass Layoffs (aoe).

The crowning touch of flavor through system design was their passive. Anarchy Online had a slow leveling ramp and a high cap (by the first expansion the max level was 220!). In this era of MMO ideal leveling was partying up and pulling the same giant enemy or small group ad nauseam. You needed a party, and needed to contribute meaningfully to not be kicked. Oh, but not Bureaucrats!

Their Baton buff increased the entire party’s experience yield.
The buff cannot be cast from someone outside your party. You can’t get the effect in town and bring it out to the field.
The buff lasts an entire hour.
The class just isn’t very good at other combat things. No one is inviting to damage.

All of this coalesces into a class role which is necessary, no one expects anything out of, presses a button once an hour, and gets just as much gold, items, and exp as everyone doing the work.


ooh ooh i have a joke

when frank called it “nitrous dog” …do you know what breed of dog that would be

a whippet


That’s a good one!

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I’m wondering if this arc of Brandon is “i will recommend an anime every episode”. Not complaining, happy to get recommendations of anime i may have skipped or different perspectives of things i watched. An anime about someone that plays buggy games sounds very Insert Credit to me.