Fan Art

@CidNight#23207 attention to costume detail and texture are consistently very pleasing, I love it

I made this in like 9 minutes so…

@CidNight#23850 That tasteful watercolor is amazing—I also love the use of negative space as clouds

@kory#23852 wow thanks! I love how with watercolor you can make these effects where your painting kind of blooms out of nothingness. This is my first attempt to do this so it’s not 1,000% there but you’ve got to start somewhere.

“Kain Highwind, based on my faded memory of what he looked like in the DS version”


check out captain foreshortening over here nice work

@yeso#23862 That's kind of you to say, thank you

In hindsight I regret not making the butt bigger

skillful perspective work on the spear I meant, that’s not easy to do!

continuing my habit of imitating all the things CidNight does i have entered the game of drawing things for children

EDIT copied from a piece of key art, not original



@SuperEffective#24677 Thank you! Although I should make clear I totally copied an existing piece of key art and cannot take credit for the anatomical correctness of hands etc. I should have said so in the post…

That being said while I was copying it I thought to myself, man, the Naruto guy really knows how to draw hands!

I'm not afraid to say it……. Kakashi is cool

Well I don‘t now if I’d go THAT far


@SuperEffective#25367 I suppose afterwords they'll be a sort of…light orange?

@CidNight#27178 This is some of my favorite fan art I've seen for this game! The style suits it. Good balance of hard and soft lines, nice shading, just the right amount of object detail. Something about the composition, too.

@captain#27294 wow! Thanks! That’s, like, really nice

Quick sketch leaving out the… Um… questionable bits