favorite console color variants

I‘m a massive Orix Buffaloes fan (the other, much less popular Osaka-based baseball team) and I’m bitter because Hanshin beat them in the Japan Series last year, but this Hanshin Tigers GameCube is beautiful and I dream of owning it one day.


@Dunkr somewhere I have a photo of an original GBA completely plastered with denim on the shell.

hate to admit but this is now the coolest xbox series x in my book:


Looks like a large crystal and would go great with various real crystal / pure element adornments such as silver or gold bands or heatsinks. A PC build based on this aesthetic would be neato.

You know what‘s crazy is that this is the first time I’d ever seen this thread and the one that instantly came to mind for me was this Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward Vita. Ever since I saw this tweet it has been at the top of my dream games merch.


@Garrett.exe could you even play ffxiv on vita?

@MoH just through PS4 remote play if that counts, making this an even cooler oddity

Although there‘s nothing like a piano black PSP, and I’m usually not one to buy color variants, I came across this beaut' several years ago at a Disc Replay for a cool hundo and had to snag it.

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@Slink i love british racing green

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agreed. The forest green one I do also like, and the peace walker / mgs limited editions too. But Piano black is forever.

like my queen says

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More like least favourite console colour variants





The top one is a testing machine designed for running near final versions of games before they went gold. The scarlet one is a Gamecube which was used for testing purposes but never had a disc drive as it was for testing roms saved on a HDD. The actual model is even cooler/weirder


The buttons allowed you to switch between games as it could store four rom images. You could also push buttons to open the drive and force disc errors. And the hole in the top allowed for a special cartridge to be inserted for quicker updates to games to be tested on.



I know what they are!
I was trying to find examples of 90’s home desktop PCs that used the same color green. The purple and green of the gamecube were following late 90’s consumer trends and I love these colors.

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To my knowldege Nintendo only ever released publicly one green Gamecube, in Japan and France, which was bundled with Tales of Symphonia


I’d love a PC in that colour!


I don’t recall if I posted about it in this thread or a different one, but I actually put my hands on one of those symphonic green consoles. Imported it and resold shortly after. I personally don’t do such profiteering anymore but I was in my early 20’s and it was before this huge explosion of inflation so it was ok ;o)

it truly is a glorious color, but I prefer the mature and elegant, adult colors that were relegated only to development units.


It’s The Good Colour.

See also:
Silver Green Pearl Metallic


Well clearly my next car has been found!

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Damn these are clean