Yeah I wasn’t sure if I had one, but yeah I’ll join the chorus in saying that Smash is great. I’ll also be the shameless one and say it’s one of the only fighting games I’m actually a bit good at, and so that definitely factors into how much I like it.
Maybe this is a more controversial opinion but I also think Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is straightforwardly the best game in the franchise. You might prefer playing Melee competitively because of the insane speed, but, at least for me, SSBU is plenty fast.
Smash bros is great! The games simultaneously have a meticulous attention to detail and are often a big mess. That’s the kind of stuff they usually love, right?! Put me in a room with 3 people, the only game I want to play is Smash (any of em!)
I’m also a big boy for Banjo. I played it as an 8 year old, so I’m hooked for life. I understand what they can’t chill with about it, though.
Berzerk (Atari 2600)
Wizards of Wor (Atari 2600 and arcade)
Pressure Cooker (Atari 2600)
Ghost Manor (Atari 2600)
Tron (arcade)
Pac-Man (arcade)
Galaga (arcade)
Mr. Do (arcade)
Dig Dug (arcade)
Star Wars (1981 arcade game)
Star Trek (arcade - I think 1981)
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (arcade)
Rocket League! Like a fighting game it takes practice to get started—it even has built-in practice drills—but once you learn to hit the ball consistently and control yourself in the air, it feels incredible to play.
I also enjoy Mass Effect! There are definitely goofy and/or downright bad things about it, but it also has some really great characters and world building elements that I jive with.
Really? The first Gravity Rush game is one of my all time faves. I didn’t enjoy the second one as much, but they’re both great, and probably my favorite Sony franchise outside of Ueda’s works.
I don’t really see what is so objectionable to the Annapurna games. They can be a bit short/simple, but aside from Kentucky Route Zero (a slog), they’re all pretty pleasant
One of them a while back said that the writing in early Kingdom Hearts games was just as bad as KHIII and that anyone who thought differently was nostalgia-pilled. That had me a bit miffed because I actually quite enjoy I, CoM (the GBA version is superior), and II. They’re cheesy but they are certainly more grounded than the stuff that came after. KHII’s combat is all-time great. I can’t tell if it gets the credit it deserves or if that legacy has faded but it’s fast, intuitive, tight, and smooth, yet offers a lot of depth. Also, the hits just feel good in that game which makes the combat feel very nice. Another thing is that it has one of the best hard modes (Critical) - really encourages you to use all of the mechanics you have at your disposal and teaches you to be better at the game
The show seems pretty agnostic towards Fire Emblem whereas I would take those games intravenously if I could
This thread is how I’m learning they are not so hot on Final Fantasy Tactics and, well, they’re right! I’m a big Final Fantasy fan. I’m a big Fire Emblem fan. FFT is either the least joyful Final Fantasy game or the least polished Fire Emblem game depending on which lens you choose to view it through. Part of my issue was trying to play on an iPad (I’d be willing to give it another chance if it came to console) but I also just didn’t like the game itself. There’s an absolute crapton of mechanics but none of these mechanics are very deep or interesting and most of them don’t interact with any of the other mechanics in any way and none of it engaged me at all. I dropped it a few chapters into Part 3.
I think it was annapurna’s attempt at “branding” from some time ago that grated. They’ve published a greater variety of pretty good games since then, so the shoe doesnt really fit anymore
I was all ready to talk mess about Annapurna but then I double-checked and turns out I’ve really liked three games they’ve published, and know that I’d also probably love a fourth if I got around to playing it. So, now I will not be talking mess.
I reallllly like The Witness and Fez. Simple puzzle games with overly obtuse underlying mysteries are my jam. It gives me the same feeling as instructions for catching Mew under the truck in Pokemon RBY, but it actually works. Void Stranger is incredible for the same reason (they like this one(in theory)).
ps. I have caught Mew in Pokemon Yellow. Those games are built to be torn apart.
Issuing a state licensed mea culpa as Tim did in fact say he likes final fantasy tactics on the pod this week. The beef is evidently in saying it’s your favorite final fantasy game, which… it’s in the name buddy
It’s definitely an everything AND the kitchen sink kind of game, for better or worse. I couldn’t fault people for preferring FE, Shining Force, Vandal Hearts, etc. since those games are all way less overstuffed and allow for greater precision in what you’re doing.
I’m not saying you have to like FFT, but saying its systems aren’t deep and don’t affect each other is just sort of baffling to me. For instance, you have the faith stat which is a cool double-edged sword because it decreases the effects of enemy magic on you (presumably because you don’t believe in it) but also decreases the chance of ally magic healing or reviving you (because you don’t believe in it). This even fits some of the themes of the game (the institutional corruption of the Church means faith is not always a good thing, but there are magical/theological beings in this game, so faith is certainly founded and effective to some degree in its universe). You can even have party members desert your army if their faith gets too high because they’ll leave to become monastics. That’s a lot of interesting effects just for one stat!
Again, I’m not saying you have to like it. It’s a messy game, and (like all games) it has all kinds of problems, but I for one really embrace its chaos even when I don’t fully understand it (which is most of the time).