Fighting game is something so great

Yee Evo was great. I had only gone once before in like 2013 or 2014, and sheesh it’s grown. That wing of the convention center couldn’t hold the amount of people. We were able to get in to the arena for Tekken and Street Fighter. It was logistically a mess but the energy was super hype. Got to shake hands with my fav player. Also got to talk to Punk and my partner told him he was gonna win it all day 2 of the event. I couldn’t get the days off to join the tournaments myself. I’ll be planning ahead next year for sure.

On 3s, there are younger players like Resolve and Bubbles that grind it out as their main game. They both made deep runs. It was great to see a varied top 6 with Hugo and Elena making strong showings. Long live 3s, happy 25th bday


Not saying at all people don’t grind the game as their main game. It’s just kind of beautiful to see people grind something that doesn’t keep the lights on ya know? Combo Breaker was sick this year i watch as much Yogurt Brain match footage as i can.

It’ll be interesting to see when we get the Melee-esque zoomer being the best player in the world - if that ever were to happen, it feels like something that would, similar to NES tetris.


I’ve started playing the full version of the newish Granblue Fantasy Versus game after being a little hesitant to give it a go. I’d played the free for a few hours but never clicked with characters that were available at the time but after the insistence of a buddy of mine I’ve decided to jump in.

My go-to character so far is Beatrix and I’ve been enjoying practicing her suggested combos and coming up with my own. I’ve been doing this in tandem with the proper training mode and have been trying to work in some of the unique mechanics into what I’m, so far, able to do. It feels good!

Separately, I’ve decided to start using the Retrobit Saturn controller for fighting games. I’ve previously been using a Hori Fightpad for PS4 but I’ve always felt that it’s a little too chunky for my small hands and that the d-pad tends to rip my thumb apart. Moving to the Saturn controller has been a breath of fresh air after giving it a test run on different versions of Street Fighter 2, and using it while playing Granblue Fantasy has made the game feel like a more comfortable experience during longer play sessions - and hopefully it’ll encourage me to start playing them again regularly!


This taught me a lot about Street Fighter 2 I had no idea about. Mostly the figures!


Boy howdy, SVC Chaos is a tough game! I have been dipping into it every so often and I have yet to get past the second match.

My execution is bad anyway but this feels like I can almost never get the moves I want out. I even knocked it all the way down to the easiest and I still get completely worked.

I’ve enjoyed a dabble with it but my dream of kinda mashing my way through to get a chunk of the trophies is dead.


I had the Blanka figure! Good ol times.

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If one has only played maybe 30 minutes of KOF in their lifetime and wants to have a fun time knocking about in one, not to properly learn it but to get a feel for the heck a KOF is, which game should one play?

Specifically, I want a hot one pre 12. Thanks!


2002 and 98 are IMO the most fighting-gamey without introducing some of the more unique systems of other games. They’re both stuffed full of characters to try out to see who your favourites are.

I know you said pre-KoF 12 but 13 is also fairly approachable to have a punt at despite its bonkers level of combo potential, and it’s an absolute delight to look at.


Wonderful, cheers. I have the Orochi Saga collection on PS4 which has 98. I wanted pre 12 because I think that and 13 look awesome but I want to see what KOF was back in the day before I dig into later ones.


any interest in an IC fightan club? this year’s Evo has me excited to get back into it and it’s more fun with pals


I am extremely down. Would love to get a group together and maybe play some weird games on Fightcade!


Hey just checking but it’s a pretty common experience to clench your fist and mutter “keeeeeys” under your breath when you can’t find your keys, just like Terry vs. Geese at 4:52 in the below video, right?


I would say:

'98 is the street fighter II-style gold standard for the series so is an obvious place to start.

2001 has the amazing nona art and other weirdness. It is weird but IMO easy to have fun with.

'97 is the one china likes, which is interesting. It’s also the first one I learned to play (such as it is).

Realistically '98 is the answer, just throwing some other stuff out there!


That’s some top tier art right there! Weird to imagine people hated on it. I guess the world wasn’t ready for it yet. From the looks of it that style is used for the character select screen but not the actual gameplay right?

I’ll have to look up more of nona’s work.

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Technically he was the illustrator, so he wouldn’t have much influence on the in-game sprites. But they’re in the cutscenes and character portraits so you sort of imprint that on the sprites as you play too.

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Damn, that Nona art is hot. I’ll grab the ACA version when I’m done banging about in 98.

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I would be super interested, but my schedule is erratic, and I usually know I’m going to have an hour to game about 2 minutes before that hour starts. Sometimes it still gets interrupted.


Thought this may have some crossover here.


DNF Duel is free on the Epic Games Store til the 15th:


I have been dabbling with KOF 98 Ultimate Match Final Edition on the PS4. I had the Orochi Saga collection but did some Googling and apparently it is bad. It is a PS2 game emulated through the PS4 so the input lag is horrible, and the AI is apparently brutal.

These SNK fighter rereleases get crazy discounted on PSN. It was about £3 for this version! I felt bad after buying it and remembering about the POS that owns a lot of SNK.

I really like it. I love the look of it. The art is great and all the intro and ending animations are seriously hot. It is responsive and snappy.

On the podcast, it has been postulated that saying to a band “It looks like you had fun up there” is an insult, not a compliment. I disagree but maybe that says something about how I approached being in a band, once upon a time. The feeling I get from the KOF games is that SNK were having a lot of fun up there. They were doing yearly releases and weren’t living under the shadow of SF2 like it felt that Capcom were. I get the feeling that the KOF devs were just really jamming out and having fun. They made something fantastic, repeatedly.

Except Omega Rugal. He blows. I had to continue a lot of times on him. Eventually worked out that trying to fight him normally was a fool’s errand. Ended up just dashing in, doing a strong kick, retreating and repeating.

I also got the ACA KOF 2002 because the graphics look nice. Not played it yet. After that, I’m going to try Samurai Shodown V. And then Last Blade 2.